Science Fiction Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
“Great Wall Planet”: Introducing Chinese Science Fiction2013/01/014
Science Fiction and the Literary Field2011/01/014
Unmaking People: The Politics of Negation in <em>Frankenstein</em> and <em>Ex Machina</em>2018/01/014
Liu Cixin's <em>Three-Body</em> Trilogy and the Status of Science Fiction in Contemporary China2019/01/014
Monstrous Motherhood and Evolutionary Horror in Contemporary Japanese Science Fiction2018/01/014
Science Fiction and Social Criticism in Morocco of the 1970s: Muḥammad `Azīz Laḥbābī's <em>The Elixir of Life</em>2015/01/013
<em>Avatar</em> Simulation in 3Ts: Techne, Trance, Transformation2015/01/013
“Forked Tongues”: Languages of Estrangement in China Miéville's <em>Embassytown</em>2015/01/013
Fascism and Science Fiction2014/01/013
Rorschach, We Have a Problem! The Linguistics of First Contact in Watts's <em>Blindsight</em> and Lem's <em>His Master's Voice</em>2014/01/013
Solar Accumulation: The Worlds-Systems Theory of <em>The Expanse</em>2018/01/013
Treasured Strangers: Race, Biopolitics, and the Human in Octavia E. Butler's <em>Xenogenesis</em> Trilogy2017/01/013
Race and Sexuality in Nalo Hopkinson's Oeuvre; or, Queer Afrofuturism2017/01/013
Of Slipstream and Others: SF and Genre Boundary Discourses2011/01/013
Science Fiction for the Nation: <em>Tales of the Moon Colony</em> and the Birth of Modern Chinese Fiction2013/01/013
<em>Frankenstein in Baghdad</em>: Human Conditions, or Conditions of Being Human2018/01/013
Symposium on Digital Science Fiction2016/01/012
False Gods and Libertarians: Artificial Intelligence and Community in Aḥmad 'Abd al-Salām al-Baqqāli's <em>The Blue Flood</em> and Heinlein's <em>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress</em>2017/01/012
Introduction and Critical Bibliography2011/01/012
“It’s a Question of Words, Therefore”: Becoming-Animal in Michel Faber’s <em>Under the Skin</em>2011/01/012
Suggested Further Readings in the Slipstream2011/01/012
From Outer to Inner Space: New Wave Science Fiction and the Singularity2012/01/012
Science Fiction and the Digital Humanities2018/01/012
Gender Discourse in Eastern European SF Cinema2014/01/012
The Eye of Gort2014/01/012
Introduction: Italian SF: Dark Matter or Black Hole?2015/01/012
The Field of Italian Science Fiction2015/01/012
Unknown Futures: Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction in Spain2011/01/012
Valerio Evangelisti: The Italian Way to Slipstream2013/01/012
Orange County: Global Networks in <em>Tropic of Orange</em>2012/01/012