A remark on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds | 2019/06/27 | English | 10 |
Functional analytic issues in $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-geometry | 2019/12/16 | English | 9 |
Finite dimensional Hopf algebras over the Kac-Paljutkin algebra $H_8$. | 2019/06/29 | English | 9 |
Geometry of pointwise CR-slant warped products in Kaehler manifolds | 2020/12/06 | English | 8 |
Conformal semi-invariant Riemannian maps to Kähler manifolds | 2019/10/22 | English | 7 |
Perturbation of Ruelle resonances and Faure–Sjöstrand anisotropic space | 2020/03/02 | English | 6 |
On some fixed point theorems in abstract duality pairs | 2020/10/31 | English | 6 |
Lie n-multiplicative mappings on triangular n-matrix rings | 2019/02/11 | English | 5 |
Computing convex hulls of trajectories | 2019/12/18 | English | 5 |
Questions and conjectures on extremal Hilbert series | 2018/06/08 | English | 5 |
On families of Hopf algebras without the dual Chevalley property | 2018/08/09 | English | 5 |
Generalized metallic structures | 2020/03/03 | English | 5 |
A notion of compatibility for Armendariz and Baer properties over skew PBW extensions | 2017/10/26 | English | 5 |
Quasi-modal operators on distributive nearlattices | 2020/12/05 | English | 4 |
The group of automorphisms of the moduli space of principal bundles with structure group $F_4$ and $E_6$ | 2017/07/10 | English | 4 |
On the structure of split involutive Hom-Lie color algebras | 2019/03/18 | English | 4 |
The geodesic flow on nilmanifolds associated to graphs | 2020/12/03 | English | 4 |
The shape derivative of the Gauss curvature | 2018/05/15 | English | 4 |
A Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator adapted to the harmonic oscillator | 2018/05/16 | English | 3 |
A topological duality for mildly distributive meet-semilattices | 2018/02/20 | English | 3 |
Metallic conjugate connections | 2017/11/06 | English | 3 |
On the atomic and molecular decomposition of weighted Hardy spaces | 2020/10/15 | English | 3 |
Relative modular uniform approximation by means of the power series method with applications | 2019/05/22 | English | 3 |
On $k$-circulant matrices involving the Jacobsthal numbers | 2019/10/03 | English | 3 |
On Jacobson's lemma and Cline's formula for Drazin inverses | 2020/10/31 | English | 3 |
Linear Poisson structures and Hom-Lie algebroids | 2019/07/10 | English | 2 |
The multivariate bisection algorithm | 2019/03/20 | English | 2 |
Pseudoholomorphic curves in $\mathbb{S}^6$ and $\mathbb{S}^5$ | 2019/11/27 | English | 2 |
Regularity of maximal functions associated to a critical radius function | 2019/11/27 | English | 2 |
Eta-Ricci solitons on LP-Sasakian manifolds | 2019/08/29 | English | 2 |