Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Kreĭn space unitary dilations of Hilbert space holomorphic semigroups2020/06/30English
Lifting vector fields from manifolds to the $r$-jet prolongation of the tangent bundle2020/06/30English
Hyponormality of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space of an annulus2020/11/20English
Local solvability of elliptic equations of even order with Hölder coefficients2020/02/17English
A canonical distribution on isoparametric submanifolds I2020/06/25English
Gotzmann monomials in four variables2021/03/08English
Higher order mean curvatures of SAC half-lightlike submanifolds of indefinite almost contact manifolds2019/02/28English
A rigidity result for Kählerian manifolds endowed with closed conformal vector fields2019/11/21English
Real hypersurfaces in complex Grassmannians of rank two with semi-parallel structure Jacobi operator2019/11/21English
On the mixed integer randomized pattern search algorithm2019/11/21English
Classification of left invariant Hermitian structures on 4-dimensional non-compact rank one symmetric spaces2019/08/08English
On the self-conjugateness of differential forms on bounded domains2019/06/21English
Hörmander conditions for vector-valued kernels of singular integrals and their commutators2019/06/19English
Conformal and Killing vector fields on real submanifolds of the canonical complex space form $\mathbb{C}^{m}$2019/10/01English
QHWM of the orthogonal and symplectic types Lie subalgebras of the Lie algebra of the matrix quantum pseudo differential operators2017/12/05English
Combinatorial and modular solutions of some sequences with links to a certain conformal map2018/06/06English
On generalized Jordan prederivations and generalized prederivations of Lie color algebras2018/08/16English
Generalizations of hyperbolic area for topological surfaces2018/07/10English
$\mathfrak{D}^\perp$-invariant real hypersurfaces in complex Grassmannians of rank two2020/07/30English
On supersolvable groups whose maximal subgroups of the Sylow subgroups are subnormal2019/08/05English
Branching laws: some results and new examples2019/03/06English
Primary decomposition and secondary representation of modules2019/02/11English
Comparison morphisms between two projective resolutions of monomial algebras2017/07/07English
A note on wavelet expansions for dyadic BMO functions in spaces of homogeneous type2017/07/31English
Interior $L^p$-estimates and local $A_p$-weights2017/08/17English
An application of Pappus' Involution Theorem to Cayley–Klein projective models2017/09/06English
On partial orders in proper $*$-rings2017/11/22English
Triangular spherical dihedral f-tilings: the $(\pi/2, \pi/3, \pi/4)$ and $(2\pi/3, \pi/4, \pi/4)$ family2020/12/11English
On the restricted partition function via determinants with Bernoulli polynomials. II2020/12/28English
Characterization of hypersurface singularities in positive characteristic2020/12/29English