
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Psychology of Gender Differences in Religion: A Review of Empirical Research1997/01/01English166
Religions, natural hazards, and disasters: An introduction2010/04/01English114
Pilgrimage growth in the modern world: Meanings and implications2007/09/01English71
The science of religious beliefs2008/06/01English69
Anthropology of religion: Disasters and the representations of tradition and modernity2010/04/01English60
The origin and mission of Material Religion2010/07/01English56
Untapped potential of the world's religious communities for disaster reduction in an age of accelerated climate change: An epilogue & prologue2010/04/01English44
Earth and Nature-Based Spirituality (Part I): From Deep Ecology to Radical Environmentalism2001/04/01English44
The New Age in Cultural Context: The Premodern, the Modern and the Postmodern1993/04/01English43
Body pedagogics and the religious habitus: A new direction for the sociological study of religion2010/01/01English43
Responding to disasters within the Christian tradition, with reference to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes2010/04/01English37
Pentecostalism in Brazil: A Brief History1995/04/01English37
Religion is natural, atheism is not: On why everybody is both right and wrong2010/07/01English36
New Mutations of the Protestant Ethic among Latin American Pentecostals1995/04/01English33
Surfing for Salvation2002/10/01English29
Marketing the goods of salvation: Bourdieu on religion2004/10/01English27
Context‐bound Islamic theodicies: The tsunami as supernatural retribution vs. natural catastrophe in Southern Thailand2010/04/01English26
Recovery and Buddhist practices in the aftermath of the Tsunami in Southern Thailand2010/04/01English24
Counterintuitiveness as the hallmark of religiosity2003/10/01English24
Spirituality: Transformation and Metamorphosis1996/10/01English24
Adaptation, evolution, and religion2008/06/01English23
Charismain Max Weber's Sociology of Religion1999/01/01English23
Death in the new age1993/04/01English23
Earthen Spirituality or Cultural Genocide?: Radical Environmentalism's Appropriation of Native American Spirituality1997/04/01English23
Atheism is only skin deep: Geertz and Markusson rely mistakenly on sociodemographic data as meaningful indicators of underlying cognition2010/07/01English22
Ninian Smart and the Phenomenological Approach to Religious Education2000/10/01English22
A bit of a circus: Notes on postmodernity and new age1993/04/01English21
From locality to location and back again: A spatial journey in the study of religion2009/06/01English20
Earth and Nature-Based Spirituality (Part II): From Earth First! and Bioregionalism to Scientific Paganism and the New Age2001/07/01English20
Charting the map metaphor in theories of religion2010/01/01English18