
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Virtual Pilgrimages on the Internet2002/10/01English17
Implicit Religion2010/10/01English17
Buddhist Environmental Ethics and Detraditionalization: The Case of EcoBuddhism1995/07/01English17
Shamanism from Ecuador to Chicago: A Case Study in New Age Ritual Appropriation1995/04/01English17
Richard Rorty and the pragmatic turn in the study of religion2009/03/01English16
Conceptualizing religion: Some recent reflections2008/09/01English16
The panoptic gaze in a non‐western setting: Self‐surveillance on Merapi volcano, Central Java2010/04/01English16
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the Late Twentieth Century: Apocalyptic, Representation, Politics2001/04/01English15
Developments in Spiritual Care of the Dying1996/10/01English15
The relative unnaturalness of atheism: On why Geertz and Markússon are both right and wrong2010/07/01English15
Religious Discourse and Cyberspace2002/10/01English14
The study of religion(s) in Western Europe (II): Institutional developments after World War II2008/12/01English14
Hinduism and cyberspace2008/09/01English14
Modernity and its imbalances: Constructing modern selfhood in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission2006/12/01English14
Constructionism versus what?2004/10/01English14
The making of a sacred mountain. Meanings of nature and sacredness in Sápmi and northern Norway2010/01/01English14
The ‘Emerging Church’ in America: Notes on the interaction of Christianities2009/09/01English13
Religion, Philosophy and Family Resemblances1996/07/01English13
To see the invisible messiah: Messianic socialization in the wake of a failed prophecy in Chabad2009/09/01English13
Defending Hindu Tradition: Sanatana Dharma as a Symbol of Orthodoxy in Colonial India2001/04/01English12
Reinventing the celts1993/04/01English12
The richness of ordinary life: Religious justification among Chile's business elite2010/01/01English12
The study of religion(s) in Western Europe (I): Prehistory and history until World War II2007/12/01English12
Post‐Christian spiritualities1993/04/01English12
Ascription, attribution, and cognition in the study of experiences deemed religious2008/06/01English12
Evoked culture, ritualization and religious rituals2008/06/01English12
Constructing the boundaries of Anglican orthodoxy: An analysis of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)2010/07/01English11
When cognitive scientists become religious, science is in trouble: On neurotheology from a philosophy of science perspective2009/12/01English11
The Fundamental Unity of the Conservative and Revolutionary Tendencies in Venezuelan Evangelicalism: The Case of Conjugal Relations1997/10/01English11
Monkey in the Middle: The Status of Hanuman in Popular Hinduism1997/10/01English11