Restoration of Buildings and Monuments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Determination of the Suitability of five Limestone Facies for Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites, Petrological Durability and Geotechnical Investigations / Bestimmung der Eignung fünf unterschiedlicher Kalksteinarten für den Wiederaufbau archäologischer Stätten - Untersuchung der petrologischen und geotechnischen Eigenschaften sowie der Dauerhaftigkeit2003/10/011
Sicherheitsanalyse und Planung einer verstärkenden und festigenden Maßnahme durch Injizieren / Safety Assessment and Design of Consolidation and Strengthening by Means of Injections2003/08/011
Hydrophobieren von Stahlbeton Teil 1: Transport und chemische Reaktionen siliciumorganischer Verbindungen in der Betonrandzone/ Water Repellent Treatment of Reinforced Concrete Part 1: Transport and Chemical Reactions of Organo-Silicon Compounds in the Cover of Reinforced Concrete2003/02/011
Firmenmitteilungen / Companies Inform2004/08/011
Long-Term Performance of Water Repellents on Rendered Autoclaved Aerated Concrete/ Das Langzeitverhalten von Hydrophobierungsmitteln auf verputztem Porenbeton2003/02/011
Durable Overlay Systems with Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) / Dauerhafte Beschichtungssysteme aus technisch entwickelten zementgebundenen zusammengesetzten Werkstoffen (ECC)2003/06/011
Analyse der am Kreuzgang des Hieronymus Klosters In Lisabon gefundenen Farbspuren / Analysis of the Colour Traces Found on the Cloister of the Jeronimos Monastery in Lisbon2002/10/011
Design of Compatible Repair Materials for the Restoration of Monuments / Entwurf kompatibler Werkstoffe für das Instandsetzen von Baudenkmalen2004/12/011
Natural Polymer-based Hydrogel Incorporating Self Healing Mortar2013/06/011
Interpreting Structural Damage in Masonry: Diagnostic Tool and Approach2013/10/011
Interpretation von Potentialfeldern unter besonderen Bedingungen2012/10/011
Fundamental Aspects of Frost Damage in Hardened Cement Paste2013/12/011
Concrete Protection by means of Internal Hydrophobization / Betonschutz mit innerer Hydrophobierung2004/04/011
Keltisch-römische Mörtel vom Magdalensberg in Kärnten / Celtic-Roman Mortars from Magdalensberg in Carinthia2002/02/011
Hydrophobic Protection for Concrete: Short-term Performance and Durability2013/08/011
Charles Bridge in Prague - Measurement of Moisture Fields / Die Karlsbrücke in Prag - Messung der Feuchtigkeitsverteilung2004/06/011
A Probabilistic Model to predict the Durability of Surface Treatments2002/06/011
Factors Controlling Salt Susceptibility and Alteration Indices on Salt Weathering of Oolitic Limestone Using Single Salt at Five Weathering Regimes, a Case Study2013/12/011
Increasing Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Marine Environment by Water Repellent Treatment2013/02/011
Performance of Silane Water Repellent and Flexible PCM Coating Applied on ASR Deteriorated Structures after over 20 Years2013/06/011
Zerstörungsfreie Visualisierung von hydrophob wirksamen Schichten in Beton2012/10/011
Tomographische Widerstandsmessungen an Stahlbetonbauteilen2012/10/011
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Investigate the Influence of Compressive and Tensile Load on Durability of Concrete2012/12/011
Influence of an Applied Compressive Stress on Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Marine Environment2013/02/011
Systematische Zustandsermittlung der Umschlaganlage Voslapper Groden in Wilhelmshaven2012/10/011
Consolidation and Strengthening of Historical Masonry by Means of Mineral Grouts: Modeling Structural Behavior of Grouted Three-Leaf Masonry2015/02/011
Editorial Note2015/02/011
Investigations into the Water Repellent Surface Near Layer in Concrete by Neutron Radiography2014/04/01English1
Effect of Hydrophobization on Wetting, Drying and Salt Crystallization in Porous Materials2014/12/01English1
Durability of Coatings on Industrial Floors – Parameters and Examples2014/06/01English1