Restoration of Buildings and Monuments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Zur Beziehung zwischen Verbund Qualität und Impact-Echo Frequenzspektrum / On the Relation between Bond Quality and Impact-echo Frequency Spectrum2010/10/012
Strukturelle Schäden in Mauerwerk: Beschreibung und Interpretation von Rissmustern, um die Schadensursache heraus zu finden / Structural Damage in Masonry, Description and Interpretation of Crack Patterns: Basis for Finding the Damage Causes2010/04/012
Outdoor Performance of Artist Colours2011/04/012
Application of a Combined Indoor Climate and HVAC Model for the Indoor Climate Performance of a Museum / Anwendung eines Modells für die Kombination des Innenklimas mit dem Heizungs-, Belüftungs- und Temperaturkontrollsystem (HBT; HVAC) zur Simulation des Raumklimas in einem IVIuseum2006/06/012
Verwendung des Chloridleitfähigkeitsindexes im Rahmen einer probabilistischen Modellierung für die Dauerhaftigkeitsbemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen / Use of Chloride Conductivity Index in the Probabilistic Modelling for Durability Design of RC Members2009/08/012
Churches and Concrete in Liège District: History, Architecture and Pathologies2011/02/012
Risks of the Use of Water Repellents on Salt Contaminated Masonry: the Case of a Windmill in the Netherlands / Risiken beim Hydrophobieren von salzhaltigem Mauerweric Fallstudie anhand einer Windmühle in den Niederlanden2007/10/012
Zerstörungsfreie Bestimmung der oberflächennahen Betonfeuchte mittels NMR / Non-destructive Determination of the Surface Near Moisture Content of Concrete by means of NMR2011/08/012
Salt Weathering of Porous Structures Related to Climate Changes / Klimaabhängige Salzverwitterung poröser Strukturen2005/12/012
Diffusion-Convection Transport of Salt Solutions in Cracked Porous Building Materials Part 1: Parameters, Model Description and Application to Cracks / Transport von Salzlösungen durch Diffusion und Konvektion in porösen Werkstoffen des Bauwesens mit Rissen Teil 1: Relevante Parameter, Beschreibung des Modells und seine Anwendung bei Anwesenheit von Rissen2006/06/012
Interaction of Water Vapour with Hardened Cement Paste - Specific Effects at 30 % RH / Wechselwirkung von Wasserdampf mit Zementstein - spezielle Effekte bei 30 % rei. Feuchte2008/08/012
Observation and Quantification of Water Penetration into Frost Damaged Concrete by Neutron Radiography / Beobachtung und quantitative Bestimmung der Wasseraufnahme von Frost geschädigtem Beton mit Hilfe der Neutronenradiographie2010/06/012
Investigations on the PCC-Microstructure after Mechanical Load / Untersuchungen der PCC - Mikrostruktur unter mechanischer Belastung2008/04/012
Capillary Absorption and Chloride Penetration into High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (HPFRCC) as Influenced by Tensile Stress and Self-Healing2015/06/012
Effects of Substitution Degree of Cellulose Ethers on the Properties of Tile Cement Mortars2013/06/012
Influence of Polymer Addition on Early Microstructure Development in Ternary Binders2013/06/012
Application of PVA-Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (ECC) for Repair of Concrete Structures / Anwendung eines selbstverdichtenden, mit PVA-Fasern verstärkten Betons (ECC) zur Instandsetzung von Stahlbetontragwerken2002/12/012
Aspects of Salt and Moisture Transport in Restoration Plasters and Renders / Zum Salz- und Feuchtigkeitstransport in Mörteln und Putzen des Bauinstandsetzens2004/12/012
Recent Research and Development Activities of Polymer-Modified Paste, Mortar and Concrete in Japan2013/06/012
Subjective Sensation of Color Differences – Determination of Thresholds Depending on Color Tones and Resolution2015/02/012
A New Diagnostic Tool for the Evaluation of the Hardness of Natural and Artificial Stones / Ein neues Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Härte von Naturstein und Kunststein2000/10/012
Collapse and Reconstruction of the Tower of the St Willibrordus Church at Meldert Lummen (B)2014/02/01English2
Penetration of Water and Chloride Dissolved in Water into Concrete under Hydraulic Pressure2014/04/01English2
Innovative Nano-TiO2 Particles for Self-cleaning Treatments of Historic Architecture and Sculptures2014/12/01English2
Influences on the Hydrophobicity of Concrete Surfaces Treated with Alkyl Trialkoxysilanes2014/12/01English2
Polymerbeton aus Wüstensand – ein Projekt der angewandten Forschung / Polymer Concrete produced with Desert Sand – a Project of Applied Research2014/11/01English2
Observation of Water Penetration into Cracked and Water Repellent SHCC after Imposed Strain by Means of Neutron Radiography2014/04/01English2
Composition and Properties of SHCC; Part II: Influence of Elevated Temperatures and Freeze-thaw Cycles on Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites2014/04/01English2
Cathodic Protection of Steel Elements in Reinforced Concrete and in Masonry Constructions2014/08/01English2
The Stratified Significance of a Historic Façade as a Basis for a more Durable Conservation Approach2015/12/011