Differential Geometry and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Structures of sympathetic Lie conformal superalgebrasEnglish
Variational problems on Lie algebroids2001/09/01English
On formal integrability of evolution equations and local geometry of surfaces2001/09/01English
Trivial lagrangians in field theory1999/05/01English
Meromorphic Hamiltonian systems on complex surfaces1993/12/01English
Author index to volume 4 (1994)1994/12/01English
New examples of Calabi–Bernstein problems for some nonlinear equations2001/09/01English
Invariant operators on manifolds with almost Hermitian symmetric structures, III. Standard operators2000/01/01English
Integrability conditions for a certain class of nonlinear evolution equations and Kähler geometry1991/12/01English
Induction of Hamiltonian Poisson actions2000/11/01English
Curvature properties of compact spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space2001/03/01English
Complex Lagrangian embeddings of moduli spaces of vector bundles2001/03/01English
On generalized contact forms1999/11/01English
Selberg trace formulae for heat and wave kernels of Maass Laplacians on compact forms of the complex hyperbolic space Hn(C), n⩾22001/07/01English
Harmonic and minimal vector fields on tangent and unit tangent bundles2000/07/01English
Some remarks on the cohomology of SU(3) gauge orbit space1997/03/01English
Smooth group actions on 4-manifolds and Seiberg–Witten theory2001/01/01English
Berezin transforms and Laplace–Beltrami operators on homogeneous Siegel domains2001/07/01English
Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces foliated by spheres1999/11/01English
Quaternion Kähler flat manifolds2001/07/01English
Normal subgroups of the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms of an open manifold1993/03/01English
Classification of integration patterns on R1|12000/11/01English
Higgs bundles and holomorphic forms2000/05/01English
Author Index to Volume 152001/11/01English
Prescribing the Ricci curvature of Kähler asymptotically Cn manifolds, n > 21994/06/01English
Diffeomorphism, periodic KdV and C. Neumann system2000/01/01English
Differential geometry of Grassmannian embeddings of based loop groups2000/07/01English
Geometry of Lagrangian and Legendrian 2-web1993/09/01English
The projective connections of T.Y. Thomas and J.H.C. Whitehead applied to invariant connections1995/09/01English