Differential Geometry and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Existence of a variational principle for PDEs with symmetries and current conservation2023/10/01English
Equidistant sets on Alexandrov surfaces2023/10/01English
Relative connections on principal bundles and relative equivariant structures2023/10/01English
Discrete Lagrange problems with constraints valued in a Lie group2023/02/01English
On p-Willmore disks with boundary energies2023/02/01English
Infinitely many noncontractible closed magnetic geodesics on non-compact manifolds2023/04/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
On pseudo-Euclidean Lie algebras whose Levi-Civita product is left Leibniz2023/04/01English
On Finsler metrics with reversible Douglas curvatureEnglish
On some basic curvature invariants of screen homothetic lightlike hypersurfaces in a GRW spacetimeEnglish
Characterization of invariant complex Finsler metrics on the complex Grassmann manifoldEnglish
Transversality of the perturbed reduced Vafa-Witten moduli spaces on 4-manifoldsEnglish
Rank rigidity for foliations by manifolds of nonpositive curvature1993/03/01English
Stiefel manifolds and the existence of non-trivial generalizations of Riemannian symmetric spaces from a differentiable viewpoint1991/06/01English
New series of Einstein homogeneous metrics2000/01/01English
Residues and secondary classes for subfoliations1994/03/01English
Compact Kähler surfaces with harmonic anti-self-dual Weyl tensor2002/05/01English
On the projective geometry of sprays2000/03/01English
Total bending of flows with mean curvature correction2000/03/01English
The tragic death of the TRICERRI family1994/12/01English
Projective maps of rank ≥2 are strongly projective2000/05/01English
Relation between area and volume for λ-convex sets in Hadamard manifolds2001/05/01English
Paley-wiener theorems on a symmetric space and their application1991/11/01English
Characteristic classes of transformation groups1993/09/01English
Editorial board1991/06/01English
Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection1992/03/01English
Symmetries and geometry in general relativity1991/06/01English
On P-reducibility of general (α,β)-metrics2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Homogeneous nonlinear splittings and Finsler submersions2023/12/01English