Differential Geometry and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rigidity of quasi-Einstein metrics2011/02/01English138
Isometric immersions of warped products1996/03/01English78
ParaHermitian and paraquaternionic manifolds2005/09/01English69
On a new class of Finsler metrics2011/03/01English68
Totally geodesic submanifolds of the complex quadric2008/02/01English62
Contact metric manifolds whose characteristic vector field is a harmonic vector field2004/05/01English57
Hypersurfaces in statistical manifolds2009/06/01English52
On some hereditary properties of Riemannian g-natural metrics on tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds2005/01/01English52
Structures on generalized Sasakian-space-forms2008/12/01English49
Nullity conditions in paracontact geometry2012/12/01English49
Calabi-type composition of affine spheres1994/12/01English46
Geometrically induced discrete spectrum in curved tubes2005/09/01English42
Biharmonic ideal hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces2013/02/01English42
Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection II1993/03/01English41
Real hypersurfaces in complex projective space whose structure Jacobi operator is Lie ξ-parallel2005/03/01English38
Symplectic or contact structures on Lie groups2004/07/01English36
Global decomposition of a Lorentzian manifold as a Generalized Robertson–Walker space2009/02/01English35
Almost-Hermitian geometry1994/09/01English35
Classification of homogeneous almost cosymplectic three-manifolds2012/02/01English35
Contact pseudo-metric manifolds2010/10/01English32
The fundamental Gray 3-groupoid of a smooth manifold and local 3-dimensional holonomy based on a 2-crossed module2011/03/01English32
A rigidity theorem for complete CMC hypersurfaces in Lorentz manifolds2006/12/01English31
Conformal holonomy of C-spaces, Ricci-flat, and Lorentzian manifolds2006/09/01English31
Improved Chen–Ricci inequality for curvature-like tensors and its applications2011/10/01English30
η-parallel contact metric spaces2005/05/01English29
On Hermitian curvature flow on almost complex manifolds2011/10/01English29
Alekseevskian spaces1996/07/01English29
The exponential map of aC1,1-metric2014/06/01English29
Classification of Casorati ideal Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms2019/04/01English28
Constructing reparameterization invariant metrics on spaces of plane curves2014/06/01English28