Radiation Protection Dosimetry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Overview of Fluence-to-Effective Dose and Fluence-to-Ambient Dose Equivalent Conversion Coefficients for High Energy Radiation Calculated Using the FLUKA Code2000/04/02English224
Review of retrospective dosimetry techniques for external ionising radiation exposures2010/12/23English205
The CERN-EU High-energy Reference Field (CERF) Facility for Dosimetry at Commercial Flight Altitudes and in Space2002/09/01English178
Computerised curve deconvolution of TL/OSL curves using a popular spreadsheet program2011/07/15English178
Characterisation of PRESAGEā„¢: A new 3-D radiochromic solid polymer dosemeter for ionising radiation2006/06/17English164
Energy deposition stochastics and track structure: what about the target?2006/12/01English138
A Radiation Dosimetry Method Using Pulsed Optically Stimulated Luminescence1999/02/01English133
Characterisation of Al2O3 for Use in Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry1999/08/01English130
A computer program for the deconvolution of thermoluminescence glow curves2005/12/20English129
Topics under Debate - On the advantages and disadvantages of optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry and thermoluminescence dosimetry2003/05/02English124
A software tool for increased efficiency in observer performance studies in radiology2005/05/17English123
Physical Parameters and Dose Factors of the Radon and Thoron Decay Products2001/04/02English122
A comprehensive study of natural gamma radioactivity levels and associated dose rates from surface soils in cyprus2004/07/01English119
Endogenous electric fields in embryos during development, regeneration and wound healing2003/10/01English119
Review and evaluation of updated research on the health effects associated with low-dose ionising radiation2010/04/22English118
Methodology for Mixed Field Inhalation Dosimetry in Monazite Areas using a Twin-Cup Dosemeter with Three Track Detectors1998/06/01English118
The response of LiF thermoluminescence dosemeters to photon beams in the energy range from 30 kV X rays to 60Co gamma rays2003/08/01English113
Organ Dose Calculation in Medical X Ray Examinations by the Program PCXMC1998/11/01English112
Methods for the Evaluation of Image Quality: A Review2000/08/01English110
Pulsed Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry Using Alpha-Al2O3:C1996/06/01English107
A review of the bystander effect and its implications for low-dose exposure2003/06/01English107
A framework for optimising the radiographic technique in digital X-ray imaging2005/05/17English107
Lithium Fluoride: From LiF:Mg,Ti to LiF:Mg,Cu,P2002/07/01English106
The variation in biological effectiveness of X-rays and gamma rays with energy2004/12/15English106
Patient doses in CT examinations in Switzerland: implementation of national diagnostic reference levels2010/10/06English104
Neutron shielding material based on colemanite and epoxy resin2005/12/20English104
Radiation-induced DNA damage responses2006/12/01English103
Optical Dating: Methodological Aspects1986/12/01English102
Calculation of Heavy Ion Inactivation Probabilities Based on Track Structure, X Ray Sensitivity and Target Size1994/04/01English102