Radiation Protection Dosimetry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
VIEWDEX: an efficient and easy-to-use software for observer performance studies2010/03/03English102
Blue Light Emitting Diodes for Optical Stimulation of Quartz in Retrospective Dosimetry and Dating1999/08/01English102
The energy spectrum of cosmic-ray induced neutrons measured on an airplane over a wide range of altitude and latitude2004/08/01English96
Reference Doses for Paediatric Computed Tomography2000/08/01English92
Luminescence from Potassium Feldspars Stimulated by Infrared and Green Light1993/05/01English92
Unfolding procedures2003/11/01English92
Bystander-induced Apoptosis and Premature Differentiation in Primary Urothelial Explants after Charged Particle Microbeam Irradiation2002/06/01English92
Radiation and cataract2011/07/14English92
Modelling of DNA Damage Induced by Energetic Electrons (100 eV to 100 keV)2002/06/01English91
Preparation and Properties of Alpha-Al2O3:C1993/05/01English91
Measurement of radioactivity in the soil of Bahawalpur division, Pakistan2004/11/16English91
Bystander Effects: Intercellular Transmission of Radiation Damage Signals2002/06/01English90
Implications of the space radiation environment for human exploration in deep space2005/12/20English90
Highly Sensitive Thermoluminescent Anion-Defect Alpha-Al2O3:C Single Crystal Detectors1990/10/01English90
Reference levels at European level for cardiac interventional procedures2008/02/18English88
Behaviour of Radon Daughter Products in Indoor Air1984/01/01English88
Temporal Variation of Radon Levels in Houses and Implications for Radon Measurement Strategies2001/02/02English87
Childhood leukaemia following medical diagnostic exposure to ionizing radiation in utero or after birth2008/10/15English86
Base Excision Repair Processing of Radiation-induced Clustered DNA Lesions2001/09/01English85
Investigation of a BeO-based optically stimulated luminescence dosemeter2006/05/30English84
New Al2O3:C,Mg crystals for radiophotoluminescent dosimetry and optical imaging2006/04/10English84
Neutron spectrometry in mixed fields: multisphere spectrometers2003/11/01English82
Mechanisms of Supralinearity in Lithium Fluoride Thermoluminescence Dosemeters1989/11/01English82
Chromosome Aberrations Induced in Human Lymphocytes by In Vitro Acute X and Gamma Radiation1986/06/01English81
Radiometric analysis of construction materials using HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry2012/08/11English80
Radioactivity concentrations and dose assessment for soil samples from Kestanbol granite area, Turkey2006/05/12English79
Mobile Survey of Environmental Gamma Radiation and Fall-Out Levels in Finland After the Chernobyl Accident1990/09/01English79
Perception of Risk from Radiation1996/12/01English79
A new lead-free radiation shielding material for radiotherapy2009/02/01English79
A Review of Thermoluminescence of Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Sulphate and Calcium Carbonate1984/03/01English78