Cultural Critique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
"Never Shoulda Been Let out the Penitentiary": Gangsta Rap and the Struggle over Racial Identity1996/01/0111
Systems Theory According to Niklas Luhmann: Its Environment and Conceptual Strategies1995/01/0111
Policing Nomads: Discourse and Social Control in Early Victorian England1993/01/0110
Environmental Orientalisms2000/01/0110
Woman in Difference: Mahasweta Devi's "Douloti the Bountiful"1989/01/0110
The Reincarnation of Souls and the Rebirth of Commodities: Representations of Time in "East" and "West"1992/01/0110
Cruising around the Historical Bloc: Postmodernism and Popular Music in East Los Angeles1986/01/0110
Humanitarianism, Testimony, and the White Savior Industrial Complex: <em>What Is the What</em> versus <em>Kony 2012</em>2016/01/019
Ludic Feminism, the Body, Performance, and Labor: Bringing "Materialism" Back into Feminist Cultural Studies1992/01/019
Religious Studies' Mishandling of Origin and Change: Time, Tradition, and Form of Life in Buddhism2018/01/018
Sex and Negativity; or, What Queer Theory Has for You2017/01/018
Rereading Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: A Response to the "Postmodern" Condition1986/01/018
Voyeurism and Class Consciousness: James Agee and Walker Evans, "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men"1992/01/018
Homes in the Empire, Empires in the Home1993/01/018
The Primitive as Analyst: Postcolonial Feminism's Access to Psychoanalysis1994/01/018
Trauma Envy2000/01/018
Women, Religion, and the Postcolonial Arab World2000/01/018
What's in a Name?: Questioning "Globalization"2000/01/017
Hebrew in an Israeli Arab Hand: Six Miniatures on Anton Shammas's "Arabesques"1987/01/017
War, Otherness, and Illusionary Identifications with the State1991/01/017
A Musical Dialectic from the Enlightenment: Mozart's "Piano Concerto in G Major, K. 453", Movement 21986/01/017
Race, Rape, and Representation: Indo-Caribbean Women and Cultural Nationalism1997/01/017
Right and Violence: A German Trauma1985/01/017
Tattoos, Abjection, and the Political Unconscious: Toward a Semiotics of the Pinto Visual Vernacular1997/01/017
Terrorism (Un) Veiled: Frantz Fanon and the Women of Algiers1990/01/017
Nature as Critical Concept: Kenneth Burke, the Frankfurt School, and "Metabiology"1991/01/017
Making the Cut: The Interplay of Narrative and System, or What Systems Theory Can't See1995/01/016
Arab Women Arab Wars1994/01/016
Modernism and Modernity: T. W. Adorno and Contemporary White South African Literature1986/01/016
Local Color: The Southern Plantation in Popular Culture1999/01/016