Cultural Critique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Problem of Speaking for Others1991/01/01527
The Autonomy of Affect1995/01/01474
The Race for Theory1987/01/01150
Orientalism Reconsidered1985/01/01111
On Environmentality: Geo-Power and Eco-Knowledge in the Discourses of Contemporary Environmentalism1995/01/0196
Rethinking Modernism: Minority vs. Majority Theories1987/01/0185
Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India1987/01/0170
Deterritorializations: The Rewriting of Home and Exile in Western Feminist Discourse1987/01/0157
On Race and Voice: Challenges for Liberal Education in the 1990s1989/01/0156
The Paradoxy of Observing Systems1995/01/0151
Traddutora, Traditora: A Paradigmatic Figure of Chicana Feminism1989/01/0139
Embodying Difference: Issues in Dance and Cultural Studies1993/01/0136
Queer Visibility in Commodity Culture1994/01/0136
Bakhtin and Carnival: Culture as Counter-Culture1988/01/0135
Post-Colonial Ruptures and Democratic Possibilities: Multiculturalism as Anti-Racist Pedagogy1992/01/0131
The Politics of the Possible1987/01/0130
Is There History after Eurocentrism?: Globalism, Postcolonialism, and the Disavowal of History1999/01/0129
The Romance of Patriarchy: Ideology, Subjectivity, and Postmodern Feminist Cultural Theory1988/01/0128
Talk about Racism: Framing a Popular Discourse of Race on Oprah Winfrey1994/01/0128
Consuming Social Change: The "United Colors of Benetton"1993/01/0127
Terminal Prestige: The Case of Avant-Garde Music Composition1989/01/0126
On Disenchanting Discourse: "Minority" Literary Criticism and beyond1987/01/0125
Is the Subject of Science Sexed?1985/01/0123
"The Aesthetic Ideology" as Ideology; Or, What Does It Mean to Aestheticize Politics?1992/01/0121
The Subject of Literature1985/01/0121
The Politics of Postmodernism: Parody and History1986/01/0121
The Epistemic Status of Cultural Identity: On "Beloved" and the Postcolonial Condition1993/01/0120
The Practical Theorizing of Michel Foucault: Politics and Counter-Discourse1996/01/0120
Metaphor in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences1985/01/0119
(Post)Colonialism, Anthropology, and the Magic of Mimesis1997/01/0119