Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ionic Diffusion Coefficients of Cs+, Pb2+, Sm3+, Ni2+, SeO2- 4 and TcO− 4 in Free Water Determined from Conductivity Measurements1996/12/01English90
Neutron-Induced Fission of233U,238U,232Th,239Pu,237Np,natPb and209Bi Relative to235U in the Energy Range 1-200 MeV2002/08/01English88
Distribution and Fixation of Cesium and Strontium in Zeolite A and Chabazite1985/04/01English88
Derivation of Optimum Polar Angle Quadrature Set for the Method of Characteristics Based on Approximation Error for the Bickley Function2007/02/01English87
Dissolution Rates of Amorphous Silica in Highly Alkaline Solution2000/04/01English86
High Burnup Fuel Cladding Materials R&D for Advanced Nuclear Systems2007/03/01English85
Lithium Isotope Separation by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Using Benzo-15-Crown-51984/09/01English84
Mathematica Programs for the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Pore Connectivity and Anisotropic Tortuosity of Porous Rocks using X-ray Computed Tomography Image Data2007/09/01English81
Monte Carlo Simulation for Particle and γ-Ray Emissions in Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model2010/05/01English80
Development of a Comprehensive Code for Nuclear Data Evaluation, CCONE, and Validation Using Neutron-Induced Cross Sections for Uranium Isotopes2007/05/01English78
Achievement of Reactor-Outlet Coolant Temperature of 950°C in HTTR2004/12/01English78
3-D Neutron Transport Benchmarks1991/07/01English77
The Direct Contact Condensation of Steam in a Pool at Low Mass Flux2003/10/01English76
Calculation of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors up to Depths of 100 mfp by the Method of Invariant Embedding, (III)2004/04/01English74
Optimization of zigzag flow channels of a printed circuit heat exchanger for nuclear power plant application2012/03/01English72
Sanex-Btp Process Development Studies2002/11/01English72
Present Status of Study on Extraction of Uranium from Sea Water1984/01/01English71
Effect of Core Spray Cooling in Transient State after Loss of Coolant Accident1968/11/01English71
A scenario of core disruptive accident for Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor to achieve in-vessel retention2014/01/20English71
Numerical Analysis of Jet Injection Behavior for Fuel-Coolant Interaction using Particle Method2001/03/01English70
Crystallography of Zirconium Hydrides in Recrystallized Zircaloy-2 Fuel Cladding by Electron Backscatter Diffraction2004/07/01English69
A prototype of aerial radiation monitoring system using an unmanned helicopter mounting a GAGG scintillator Compton camera2015/10/05English67
A New Importance Measure for Sensitivity Analysis2010/01/01English67
Radial-hydride Embrittlement of High-burnup Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding2006/09/01English67
Vertically Downward Two-Phase Flow, (I)1989/07/01English66
Development of a fiber-coupled laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument for analysis of underwater debris in a nuclear reactor core2014/05/22English66
Chemical states of fallout radioactive Cs in the soils deposited at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident2012/05/01English64
Development of Calculation Technique for Iterated Fission Probability and Reactor Kinetic Parameters Using Continuous-Energy Monte Carlo Method2010/11/01English63
Proposal of Nondestructive Radionuclide Assay Using a High-Flux Gamma-Ray Source and Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence2008/05/01English63
Concept of a Korean Reference Disposal System for Spent Fuels2007/12/01English63