Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Benchmark simulation code for the thermal-hydraulics design tool of the accelerator-driven system: validation and benchmark simulation of flow behavior around the beam window2023/10/19English
Irradiated mechanical properties predicted by a machine learning method with the Fourier-transform-based feature extension2023/10/18English
Comparison and evaluation of resolved resonance region covariance representations2023/12/14English
Characterization of a HPGe detector response for activation cross section measurements: regression method versus Monte Carlo method2023/12/26English
Measurements of keV-Neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of 74,76,78,80,82 Se2023/11/30English
Application of new axial power distribution synthesis method using in-core detector signal in digital core protection system2024/03/22English
Experimental techniques for investigating thermal transport in nuclear materials2024/03/28English
A study on the fracture pattern change of high-burnup fuel cladding failed by pellet-cladding mechanical interaction failure under reactivity-initiated accident conditions2024/02/15English
Thermophysical and mechanical properties of LaB 6 and CeB 6 synthesized through spark plasma sintering2023/03/30English
Leaching behavior of arsenic and selenium in coal fly ash by aging treatment and cement mixing2023/03/03English
Development of a critical heat flux correlation based on an annular film dryout mechanistic model under the annular flow conditions2023/03/02English
Radiation-induced amorphization behavior of thermally-aged M23C6 in F82H-BA12 steel2023/03/17English
Uncertainty quantification of unconfined spill fire data by coupling Monte Carlo and artificial neural networks2024/02/22English
The effect of boron carbide doping content on the mechanical properties of polyethylene2024/01/29English
X-ray absorption study of oxide film formed on Alloy 600 in PWR primary water at 290°C with a decreased concentration of dissolved hydrogen2023/07/16English
Cohesive/Adhesive strengths of CsOH-chemisorbed SS304 surfaces2023/07/12English
Deterministic sampling method using simplex ensemble and scaling method for efficient and robust uncertainty quantification2023/07/30English
Numerical simulation method using a Cartesian grid for oxidation of core materials under steam-starved conditions2023/02/02English
Solubility of FeSe2(cr) at 318 K in the presence of iron2023/02/01English
Influence of plutonium content in dissolver solutions derived from irradiated fast reactor fuels on plutonium stripping in multistage countercurrent liquid–liquid extraction with acid split flowsheet2023/01/29English
Nuclear analysis method based on current coupling neutron response reconstruction method2023/01/17English
The effects of unburned-gas temperature and pressure on the unstable behavior of cellular-flame fronts generated by intrinsic instability in hydrogen-air lean premixed flames under adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions: numerical simulation based on the detailed chemical reaction model2023/01/19English
Limited linear source approximation with Edge Detection for Convergence Stability of Method of Characteristics2024/04/14English
The effect of alpha irradiation on the performance of glass matrix in simulated radioactive contaminated soil by microwave treatment2024/02/27English
The effect of using Filtered Containment Venting System on variation in dose with distance in the prompt accident consequence assessment2024/02/19English
EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation for fast neutron-induced fission cross section of thorium-2322023/11/19English
Microstructure evolution formed during early liquefaction stage between pre-oxidized Zircaloy 4 with SUS316 stainless steel at 1573 K2023/08/14English
Numerical study of initiating phase of core disruptive accident in small sodium-cooled fast reactors with negative void reactivity2023/08/10English
High-efficient removal of tungsten from hafnium by TOA/XAD-7 extraction resin from HCl-HF media2023/09/13English
Multiple scattering double compton model: determination of intrinsic efficiencies by calculating electron energies2023/09/12English