ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A central-upwind scheme for two-layer shallow-water flows with friction and entrainment along channels2021/09/01
A posteriori error estimates for semilinear optimal control problems2021/09/01
Symmetry and scaling limits for matching of implicit surfaces based on thin shell energies2021/05/01
A priorierror estimates for the space-time finite element approximation of a quasilinear gradient enhanced damage model2021/07/01
On a nonlinear Schrödinger equation for nucleons in one space dimension2021/03/01
Nonintrusive approximation of parametrized limits of matrix power algorithms – application to matrix inverses and log-determinants2019/01/01
Quasi-optimality of an Adaptive Finite Element Method for Cathodic Protection2019/08/12
Existence of strong solutions to a fluid-structure system with a structure given by a finite number of parameters2020/01/01
Convergence of fully discrete schemes for diffusive dispersive conservation laws with discontinuous coefficient2016/07/14
Modèle effectif de couche mince rugueuse périodique sur une structure semi-infinie2013/07/30
Analysis of a dynamic viscoelastic-viscoplastic piezoelectric contact problem2017/02/20
Convergence of approximate splines via pseudo-inverses1987/01/01
Separation of variables in the Stokes problem application to its finite element multiscale approximation1994/01/01
Homogenization of free boundary oscillations of an inviscid fluid in a porous reservoir1993/01/01
Stabilité numérique de l'algorithme de Levinson1995/01/01
A numerical approach to a class of unilateral elliptic problems of non-variational type1991/01/01
Numerical approximation of axisymmetric positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations in axisymmetric domains of $\mathbb {R}^3$1997/01/01
Théorie de la pénalisation exacte1990/01/01
Stability of the solutions of impulsive integro-differential equations in terms of two measures1991/01/01
On the regularity of the variational solution of the Tricomi problem in the elliptic region1985/01/01
Relaxation et existence pour le problème des matériaux à blocage1985/01/01
Optimisation impossible1985/01/01
Sur les modèles de lignes plastiques en mécanique de la rupture1986/01/01
Petites perturbations et équations d'Euler pour l'aéroélasticité1994/01/01
Sur la résolution numérique d'une équation intégro-différentielle singulière non linéaire de la chimie des surfaces1985/01/01
Spectral perturbations in linear viscoelasticity of the Boltzmann type1985/01/01
Existence of regular solutions for a one-dimensional simplified perfect-plastic problem1995/01/01
A finite element approximation of three dimensional motion of a Bingham fluid1989/01/01
Une forme de turbulence associée aux défauts topologiques1989/01/01
Un algorithme pour résoudre une famille de problèmes de localisation multisources1986/01/01