ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Geometry processing : intersections, contours, and cubatures1992/01/01
Existence of solutions to an elasto-viscoplastic model with kinematic hardening and r-Laplacian fracture approximation2016/03/01
Analytical and numerical bifurcation analysis of a forest ecosystem model with human interaction2021/01/01
On particles and splines in bounded domains2021/01/01
Time-optimality by distance-optimality for parabolic control systems2020/01/01
Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature2019/10/18
A stiffly stable semi-discrete scheme for the characteristic linear hyperbolic relaxation with boundary2020/07/28
Central discontinuous Galerkin methods on overlapping meshes for wave equations2021/01/01
Convergence of nonlinear numerical approximations for an elliptic linear problem with irregular data2021/11/01
Publisher’s Note2021/01/01
Fast solver for quasi-periodic 2D-Helmholtz scattering in layered media2021/09/01
An adaptive edge element method and its convergence for an electromagnetic constrained optimal control problem2021/09/01
A homogeneous relaxation low mach number model2021/07/01
Stabilization of a non standard FETI-DP mortar method for the Stokes problem2014/01/01
Moving Dirichlet boundary conditions2014/10/10
Parallelizing the Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equation2014/09/09
Convergence of the cell average technique for Smoluchowski coagulation equation2014/09/04
Energy conservative finite element semi-discretization for vibro-impacts of plates on rigid obstacles2016/10/05
Towards effective dynamics in complex systems by Markov kernel approximation2009/07/01
About asymptotic approximations in thin waveguides2005/11/01
Characterization of the limit load in the case of an unbounded elastic convex2005/07/01
Moving mesh for the axisymmetric harmonic map flow2005/07/01
Iteratively solving a kind of signorini transmission problem in a unbounded domain2005/07/01
Numerical homogenization of well singularities in the flow transport through heterogeneous porous media: fully discrete scheme2007/09/01
Geometric constraints in descent methods for shape optimisation2017/11/01
Existence et unicité de la solution positive de l'équation TFW sans répulsion électronique1987/01/01
Asymptotic behaviour for the solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equation, when the compressibility goes to zero1987/01/01
Couplage entre éléments finis et calculs analytiques pour l'équation de Laplace dans un domaine à frontière angulaire1993/01/01