Journal of the American Dietetic Association

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sensory Characteristics of Beverages Prepared with Commercial Thickeners Used for Dysphagia Diets2006/07/01English106
Knowledge of dietary restrictions and the medical consequences of noncompliance by patients on hemodialysis are not predictive of dietary compliance2004/01/01English106
Diet and Asthma: Nutrition Implications from Prevention to Treatment2011/02/01English106
Availability and Consumption of Competitive Foods in US Public Schools2009/02/01English106
The Effect of Grape Seed Extract on Cardiovascular Risk Markers: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials2011/08/01English106
Whole-Grain Ready-to-Eat Oat Cereal, as Part of a Dietary Program for Weight Loss, Reduces Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Adults with Overweight and Obesity More than a Dietary Program Including Low-Fiber Control Foods2010/02/01English105
Diet Composition and Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Women Living in the Southwestern United States2007/08/01English104
Nutrition Knowledge: A Mediator between Socioeconomic Position and Diet Quality in Australian First-Time Mothers2011/05/01English103
Does Food Group Consumption Vary by Differences in Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Lifestyle Factors in Young Adults? The Bogalusa Heart Study2007/02/01English102
Obesity-Related Hypoferremia Is Not Explained by Differences in Reported Intake of Heme and Nonheme Iron or Intake of Dietary Factors that Can Affect Iron Absorption2008/01/01English102
Position of the American Dietetic Association: Nutrition Intervention in the Treatment of Eating Disorders2011/08/01English102
Factors affecting consumption of fruits and vegetables by low-income families1994/11/01English102
Validity and Calibration of Food Frequency Questionnaires Used with African-American Adults in the Jackson Heart Study2009/07/01English102
Green Tea Catechins Decrease Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2011/11/01English102
School Breakfast Program but Not School Lunch Program Participation Is Associated with Lower Body Mass Index2009/02/01English102
Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America2005/04/01English102
Location, Location, Location: Eye-Tracking Evidence that Consumers Preferentially View Prominently Positioned Nutrition Information2011/11/01English102
The High Cost of Not Consuming Fruits and Vegetables2006/09/01English101
Older Adults Who Use Vitamin/Mineral Supplements Differ from Nonusers in Nutrient Intake Adequacy and Dietary Attitudes2007/08/01English101
Choices Made by Low-Income Women Provided with an Economic Supplement for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Purchase2006/05/01English101
Associations of Infant Feeding Practices and Picky Eating Behaviors of Preschool Children2011/09/01English101
Dietary Patterns and Survival of Older Adults2011/01/01English101
Developing health messages: Qualitative studies with children, parents, and teachers help identify communications opportunities for healthful lifestyles and the prevention of obesity2003/06/01English101
Lack of effect of sucralose on glucose homeostasis in subjects with type 2 diabetes2003/12/01English101
Evaluation of nutrition education interventions for older adults: a proposed framework2004/01/01English100
National survey beverage consumption data for children and adolescents indicate the need to encourage a shift toward more nutritive beverages2003/01/01English100
Development and Reliability of an Observation Method to Assess Food Intake of Young Children in Child Care2007/04/01English100
Adolescents Demonstrate Improvement in Obesity Risk Behaviors after Completion of Choice, Control & Change, a Curriculum Addressing Personal Agency and Autonomous Motivation2010/12/01English100
Position of the American Dietetic Association: Food Insecurity in the United States2010/09/01English99
Low-Energy-Density Diets Are Associated with Higher Diet Quality and Higher Diet Costs in French Adults2007/06/01English99