Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comprehensive Overview of Quickest Detection Theory and its Application to GNSS Threat Detection2016/12/01178
Results of fiber-optic gyro testing2017/01/016
MEMS Rotary Strapdown INS with Low-Resolution Rotary Encoder2016/01/015
Comparative Analysis of Fusion Algorithms in a Loosely-Coupled Integrated Navigation System on the Basis of Real Data Processing2019/01/014
Inertial measurement unit for waverider buoy. Development and test results2015/01/014
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Gyro: Threshold Characteristics2018/01/014
Circumlunar Spacecraft Navigation Using the Measurements from Global Navigation Satellite Systems GLONASS, GPS, Galileo and BeiDou2019/01/013
Acoustic Positioning Methods of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles2016/01/013
Thermal Zero Drifts in Magneto-Optical Zeeman Laser Gyroscopes2021/01/012
Laser Source for Compact Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Gyroscope2018/01/012
Gyroscopic Angle Sensor with Ball Bearing Suspension with Improved Performance Characteristics2018/01/012
GPS Based Navigation Systems in Difficult Environments2019/01/012
SpaceNaute® The HRG based inertial reference system of Ariane 6 European space launcher2018/01/012
Attitude Determination Using Ambiguous GNSS Phase Measurements and Absolute Angular Rate Measurements2018/01/012
Unmanned Ships: Navigation and More2021/01/012
Fuzzy Control of Spacecraft Reaction Wheel2019/01/012
Calibration of in-run drifts of strapdown inertial Navigation system with uniaxial modulation rotation of Measurement unit.2017/01/012
Enhancement of INS/GNSS Integration Capabilities for Aviation-Related Applications2017/01/012
Tenth Anniversary of E-Navigation2015/01/012
Historicity, strengths, and weaknesses of Allan variances and their general applications2015/01/012
Design of digital controllers of gyroscopic command devices2017/01/012
Solution of Aircraft Navigation Problem using MEMS IMU and Ground Radio Sources2017/01/012
UAV Navigation System Autonomous Correction Algorithm Based on Road and River Network Recognition2020/01/012
Initial Alignment of Shipborne SINS under Ship Motion2020/01/012
Balancing of HRG resonators by chemical etching2015/01/012
Nonlinear filtering for map-aided navigation. Part 1. An overview of algorithms2015/01/012
Корректирующий фильтр для одноосного кольцевого лазерного гироскопа на виброподставке2016/06/242
О направлении развития опорной геодезической сети России как элемента единой системы координатно-временного и навигационного обеспечения2016/06/242
Efficiency of IMU modulation rotations in a marine FOG-based SINS2015/01/011
Effect of rotation on parameters of elastic waves propagating in substrate of SAW-based solid-state gyros2015/01/011