Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya

Title Publication Date Language Citations
History of NMR Gyroscope Development in Russia in 1960-2000s2018/01/01
Behavior of Signal from Optical Circuit of Quantum Rotation Sensor Based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance2018/01/01
Results of constructing a global geoid model on the basis of one-dimensional spherical Fourier transformation algorithm2015/01/01
Gyro-free INS coarse alignment2015/01/01
Operation algorithms and design of gyroinclinometer with longitudinal layout for vertical parts of wellbores2015/01/01
Optimizing a sampled-data submarine motion control system over a set of reduced order controllers2015/01/01
INS-Aided GNSS Spoofing Detection Based on Raw Pseudorange and Carrier Phase Measurements2015/01/01
Distributed integrated navigation systems for anti-asteroid planetary defense2015/01/01
Effect of reference voltage of electromagnetic control sensors on wave solid gyro drift2015/01/01
Integrated navigation and local mapping system for a single-axis wheeled module2015/01/01
Effect of Gyroplatform Control Error on the Accuracy of Initial Azimuth Orientation of Gyroscopic Inclinometer2017/01/01
Using Pickard’s method for calculating the covariance matrices in the discrete Kalman filters2017/01/01
Measuring Absolute Gravity Aboard Vehicles2017/01/01
Novel adaptive UKF for tightly-coupled INS/GPS integration with experimental validation on an UAV2017/01/01
Comparing Models of Total Electron Content in the Ionosphere for GLONASS2017/01/01
Improving Design of Moving Electrode in MEMS RR-Type Gyro2017/01/01
Adjustment of PID-controller in Fiber-Optic Gyro Feedback Loop2017/01/01
Identification of hydrodynamic characteristics of autonomous underwater robot using the model and experimental data2017/01/01
Indoor Laser-Based SLAM for Micro Aerial Vehicles2017/01/01
Using the attitude determination system to measure the dynamic trim of sounding vessel in shallow waters2017/01/01
Computer vision system as an additional aid in car navigation2017/01/01
Algorithms for Determining AUV Initial Unknown Position based on Data from Single-Beacon Mobile Navigation System2017/01/01
Motion Monitoring based on a Finite State Machine for Precise Indoor Localization2017/01/01
Stochastic Error Modeling of Smartphone Inertial Sensors for Navigation in Varying Dynamic Conditions2017/01/01
Results of Software-Based Joint Processing of Signals from Global and Regional Navigation Satellite Systems2017/01/01
Comparison of Time Scales by Common View Method Based on the Measurements Taken by GLONASS Unmanned Spacecraft and Taking into Account Integer Property of Phase Ambiguities2017/01/01
Determination of Orientation Angles in Dead Reckoning Systems Based on One Free Gyroscope2017/01/01
Results of comparison of deflections of the vertical identified in the Western Siberia region2017/01/01
Analysis of Temperature Fields of a FOG-Based Angular Rate Measurement Unit2017/01/01
Satellite Technologies at ENC 20172017/01/01