IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Software engineering across boundaries: student project in distributed collaboration1999/01/0122
Communication patterns in distributed work groups: a network analysis1999/01/0122
Usability evaluations versus usability testing: when and why?1989/01/0122
Toward better case study research1997/01/0122
Using genre theory to teach students engineering lab report writing: a collaborative approach1999/03/0121
Multimethod approaches for the study of computer-mediated communication, equivocality, and media selection1994/01/0120
The use of quoting to preserve context in electronic mail dialogues1994/01/0119
Encoding and retrieval of information in maps and diagrams1990/01/0119
Meaning to change: how diverse stakeholders interpret organizational communication about change initiatives2001/01/0118
The process of organizational communication: a model and field study2001/03/0118
Woman as mediatrix: women as writers on science and technology in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries1992/01/0118
Cultural adaptation and information design: two contrasting views1995/01/0117
Reading to learn to do1989/01/0117
Can ethics be technologized? Lessons from Challenger, philosophy, and rhetoric1995/01/0116
The structure of scientific and engineering papers: a historical perspective1989/01/0116
Visual discriminability of headings in text1992/06/0116
Usability in computer documentation design: conceptual and methodological considerations1989/01/0115
The unbearable distraction of color1991/01/0115
Images of women in technical books from the English Renaissance1992/01/0115
The engineer as rational man: the problem of imminent danger in a non-rational environment1992/01/0115
A survey of the co-op writing experiences of recent engineering graduates2000/06/0115
Non-face-to face international business negotiation: how is national culture reflected in this medium2001/06/0114
The role of cultural protocol in media choice in a confucian virtual workplace2000/06/0114
Collaborative writing in the workplace1989/01/0113
When culture and rhetoric contrast: examining English as the international language of technical communication1999/01/0113
Describing collaborative forms: a profile of the team-writing process1994/01/0113
Gendered ideologies: cultural and social contexts for illustrated medical manuals in Renaissance England1995/01/0113
Deciphering professional codes of ethics1989/06/0112
Ten misconceptions about minimalism1996/06/0112
The design of sexism: the case of an army maintenance manual1992/01/0112