International Review of Law and Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comments on “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” by Mark Ramseyer2021/03/01English
IRLE response2021/03/01English
Bayesian persuasion in lawyer–client communicationEnglish
Commercial Arbitration Regime and Sourcing Decision2024/04/01English
Time, uncertainty, and subjectivism: Giving more body to law and economics1993/03/01English
Time and the macroeconomic analysis of income1984/12/01English
The property rights school: Is economic ownership the missing link?1993/03/01English
Comment on Ruben Lee1994/06/01English
Liability—perspectives and policy1990/09/01English
The new law-and-economics: A research review1984/12/01English
Competition, monopoly, and differential profit rates: On te relevance of the classical and Marxian theories of production prices for modern industrial1986/06/01English
Editorial Board1992/03/01English
The nature of utility in Jewish Law1987/06/01English
Preference revelation in strict liability product safety markets1994/03/01English
The military origins of industrialisation and international trade rivalry1984/12/01English
An economic model of auto thefts in Finland1993/06/01English
An economic analysis of the right to a jury trial1984/06/01English
Publishers' and editors' announcement1990/09/01English
Editorial Board1988/06/01English
Economic analysis and antitrust law1981/12/01English
Markets, morals and the law1989/12/01English
Annual index1993/12/01English
The foreign corrupt practices act: Anatomy of a statute1984/06/01English
Annual index1991/12/01English
Books received1987/06/01English
Social order and the limits of the law: a theoretical essay1981/12/01English
Issues in the regulation of cable TV1984/06/01English
Response to “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” by J. Mark Ramseyer2023/12/01English