International Review of Law and Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ban-the-box laws: Fair and effective?English
Does heat cause homicides? A meta-analysisEnglish
Flexibility and uncertainty in the housing market1998/12/01English
Product liability, entry incentives and market structure2000/06/01English
Why Are Married Women Working So Hard?1998/03/01English
Market Prices and Illegal Practices1998/03/01English
Allocating Product Liability in a Multimarket Setting1998/03/01English
Decision making under the EU’s Social Chapter1998/06/01English
A case study on the legal regulation of shoplifting in Austria and the “criminal tourism” from the East1992/12/01English
8th EALE Conference Copenhagen 19911992/12/01English
The scope of mutual dependence in a repeated tort model1997/09/01English
Pretrial negotiation behind open doors versus closed doors:2000/06/01English
Adversarial legalism and transaction costs:2000/03/01English
Reconstructing American law1986/06/01English
The quest for optimality1986/06/01English
Crime and income distribution in a basketball economy1986/06/01English
Professional liability and the licensed profession1992/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/03/01English
Editorial Board2021/03/01English
Patenting mathematical algorithms: What’s the harm?2000/06/01English
Analyzing institutional successes and failures: A millennium of common mountain pastures in Iceland1992/12/01English
Redefining human life: Reproductive technologies and social policy1986/06/01English
Annual Index Volume 20, 20002000/12/01English
Supervising skill information and violation of environmental regulations1997/09/01English
The law and economics of environmental taxation: when should the ecotax kick in?1999/03/01English
The Effect of Latent Hazards on Firm Exit in Manufacturing Industries1998/03/01English
The effects of reputational sanctions on culpable firms: Evidence from China’s stock markets2023/09/01English