Computers & Operations Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Information availability vs. solution space size in a knowledge acquisition problem1999/03/01English
Special issue on location analysis2002/05/01English
A competitive local search heuristic for the subset sum problem1999/03/01English
An efficient evolutionary programming algorithm1999/07/01English
Minimizing makespan in a two-machine flowshop with dynamic arrivals allowed2002/03/01English
The multi-product, economic lot-sizing problem in flow shops: the powers-of-two heuristic2001/10/01English
Incremental bipartite drawing problem2001/11/01English
An efficient network flow code for finding all minimum cost s–t cutsets2002/03/01English
Scheduling concurrent production over a finite planning horizon: polynomially solvable cases2000/12/01English
Pyramidal traveling salesman problem1999/04/01English
Dominance, potential optimality, imprecise information, and hierarchical structure in multi-criteria analysis2002/08/01English
The strong NP-hardness of two-stage flowshop scheduling with a common second-stage machine1999/07/01English
Average waiting time of customers in a priority M/D/k queue with finite buffers2002/04/01English
Buffer contents and cell delay in a rate adaptation buffer with Markovian arrivals2001/08/01English
Hybrid heuristic algorithms for Set Covering1998/06/01English
A note from the editor2001/02/01English
Solving a nonlinear non-convex trim loss problem with a genetic hybrid algorithm1999/05/01English
Algorithmical approaches to business process design2001/11/01English
Covering a graph with cycles1998/06/01English
Expansion method for the throughput analysis of open finite manufacturing/queueing networks with N-policy1999/11/01English
Port partitioning and dynamic queueing for IP forwarding2002/08/01English
An advanced macro spreadsheet program for the simplex method2000/03/01English
Scheduling parallel machines with a single server: some solvable cases and heuristics2002/03/01English
Error bound comparisons for aggregation/disaggregation techniques applied to the transportation problem1999/09/01English
Optimal facility location with random throughput costs2002/05/01English
An infeasible interior-point technique to generate the nondominated set for multiobjective optimization problems2023/07/01English
Routing and scheduling of platform supply vessels in offshore oil and gas logistics2024/04/01English
Learning driven three-phase search for the maximum independent union of cliques problem2024/04/01English
Using discrete simulation modeling to study large-scale system reliability/availability1998/03/01English