Computers & Operations Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Data-driven optimization for seismic-resilient power network planningEnglish
Arrival and service time dependencies in the single- and multi-visit selective traveling salesman problemEnglish
A chance-constrained optimization approach integrating project scheduling and material ordering to manage the uncertain material supplyEnglish
A feature correlation reinforce clustering and evolutionary algorithm for the green bike-sharing reposition problemEnglish
Solution algorithms for dock scheduling and truck sequencing in cross-docks: A neural branch-and-price and a metaheuristicEnglish
Drone-based hybrid charging for multiple sensors: A distributionally robust optimization approachEnglish
A tight compact quadratically constrained convex relaxation of the Optimal Power Flow problemEnglish
A note on distributed multicast routing in point-to-point networks2001/10/01English
“Conscientious” neural nets for tour construction in the traveling salesman problem: the vigilant net1996/02/01English
A linearization method for mixed 0–1 polynomial programs2000/09/01English
Structural, elicitation and computational issues faced when solving complex decision making problems with influence diagrams2000/06/01English
A dynamic two-segment partial backorder control of (r,Q) inventory system2001/09/01English
An optimal solution procedure for the multiple tour maximum collection problem using column generation1999/04/01English
An integrated model for facility location and technology acquisition2002/05/01English
Robust separation of finite sets via quadratics2001/05/01English
An O(mn) Algorithm for the 1-maximin problem on a network1999/08/01English
A perishable inventory system with modified (S−1,S) policy and arbitrary processing times2001/04/01English
Minimizing makespan subject to minimum flowtime on two identical parallel machines2001/06/01English
A newsboy problem with reactive production2001/07/01English
Computational experience with a branch-and-cut algorithm for flowshop scheduling with setups1998/05/01English
Minimum-weight spanning tree algorithms A survey and empirical study2001/07/01English
A fast algorithm for assortment optimization problems2001/10/01English
Shore hydrogen deployment problem in green ports2024/05/01English
On the M/G/1 Bernoulli feedback queue with multi-class customers2000/03/01English
Examination of worker assignment and dispatching rules for managing vital customer priorities in dual resource constrained job shop environments2000/05/01English
An approximation of the activity duration distribution in PERT2001/04/01English
Determining the financial feasibility of privatized military housing initiatives with DSS-delivered quantitative models2001/01/01English
A branch and bound procedure to minimize mean absolute lateness on a single processor1996/02/01English
A new heuristic and dominance relations for no-wait flowshops with setups2001/05/01English
Applying tabu search to spare capacity planning for network restoration1999/10/01English