Journal of Topology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Criteria for virtual fibering2008/04/01English75
Factorization homology of topological manifolds2015/10/16English62
Curves on K 3 surfaces and modular forms2010/01/01English59
Topological quantum field theory structure on symplectic cohomology2013/01/17English55
Contracting boundaries of CAT(0) spaces2014/09/10English54
Loop groups and twisted K -theory I2011/12/01English49
Shifted Poisson structures and deformation quantization2017/04/21English48
The norm residue isomorphism theorem2009/01/01English47
Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds via link surgery presentations and non-semi-simple categories2014/04/11English46
Dendroidal sets and simplicial operads2013/04/24English46
Dendroidal Segal spaces and ∞-operads2013/04/19English44
The homotopy coniveau tower2007/10/28English43
Stratifying triangulated categories2011/09/01English41
Bordered Heegaard Floer homology and the tau-invariant of cable knots2013/08/08English40
Heegaard Floer homology and genus one, one-boundary component open books2008/10/01English40
An ∞-categorical approach to R -line bundles, R -module Thom spectra, and twisted R -homology2013/10/25English38
Knot homology groups from instantons2011/12/01English38
Twisted equivariantK-theory with complex coefficients2007/10/25English35
Weak hyperbolicity of cube complexes and quasi-arboreal groups2013/08/23English33
Virtual cubulation of nonpositively curved graph manifolds2013/04/18English33
Axiomatic characterization of ordinary differential cohomology2007/10/31English32
Dendroidal sets as models for homotopy operads2011/01/01English32
Graph manifolds with boundary are virtually special2013/09/01English32
Symplectic embeddings of 4-dimensional ellipsoids2009/01/01English30
Minimal triangulations for an infinite family of lens spaces2009/01/01English29
Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups2009/01/01English29
Units of ring spectra, orientations, and Thom spectra via rigid infinite loop space theory2014/07/01English29
On the algebraicK-theory of higher categories2016/01/12English28
The median class and superrigidity of actions on CAT(0) cube complexes2016/02/23English28
Loop spaces and connections2012/03/27English28