Journal of Topology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Algebraic K -theory, A 1 -homotopy and Riemann-Roch theorems2010/01/01English27
On partially wrapped Fukaya categories2019/01/30English26
Courbure mésoscopique et théorie de la toute petite simplification2008/10/01English26
Higgs bundles and surface group representations in the real symplectic group2012/11/27English26
Uniqueness of smooth extensions of generalized cohomology theories2010/01/01English26
Integrating quantum groups over surfaces2018/08/03English25
Some 6-dimensional HamiltonianS1-manifolds2009/01/01English24
Infinitely many exotic monotone Lagrangian tori in ℂℙ22016/04/05English24
3-manifolds efficiently bound 4-manifolds2008/07/01English24
A necessary and sufficient condition for induced model structures2017/04/07English24
The Farrell–Jones conjecture for virtually solvable groups:2015/09/14English23
Dimension of asymptotic cones of Lie groups2008/02/06English23
Gauge theory and Rasmussen's invariant2013/04/07English23
Rho-classes, index theory and Stolz’ positive scalar curvature sequence2014/04/03English23
Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: structure theory2009/01/01English23
Symplectic embeddings into four-dimensional concave toric domains2014/05/22English23
Link cobordisms and functoriality in link Floer homology2018/11/13English23
Foliations for solving equations in groups: free, virtually free, and hyperbolic groups2010/01/01English22
Cobordism of knots on surfaces2008/04/01English22
Algebraic vector bundles on spheres2014/02/03English22
The decategorification of sutured Floer homology2011/01/01English22
A comparison of motivic and classical stable homotopy theories2013/08/22English21
Handle moves in contact surgery diagrams2009/01/01English21
Degree theorems and Lipschitz simplicial volume for nonpositively curved manifolds of finite volume2009/01/01English21
A Steenrod square on Khovanov homology2014/03/24English21
A new twist on Lorenz links2009/01/01English21
Random Heegaard splittings2010/01/01English20
Antisymplectic involutions of holomorphic symplectic manifolds2011/01/01English20
The simplicial volume of closed manifolds covered by ℍ2× ℍ22008/05/15English20
Structures in genus‐zero relative Gromov–Witten theory2020/03/01English19