Congress & the Presidency

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Partisan Polarization in Presidential Support: The Electoral Connection2003/03/01English59
Are Female House Members Still More Liberal in a Polarized Era? The Conditional Nature of the Relationship Between Descriptive and Substantive Representation2009/06/17English46
Pivotal Politics, Presidential Capital, and Supreme Court Nominations2005/03/01English42
Malign Neglect: Evidence That Delay Has Become the Primary Method of Defeating Presidential Appointments2009/10/13English36
What's Happened to the Watchful Eye?2002/03/01English36
Aligning Tests with Theory: Presidential Approval as a Source of Influence in Congress1997/09/01English33
Business Backgrounds and Congressional Behavior2008/03/01English28
Is It a Honeymoon? An Empirical Investigation of the President's First Hundred Days2005/03/01English25
Acting on the Hill: Congressional Assertiveness in U.S. Foreign Policy2002/09/01English22
Challenging Law: Presidential Signing Statements and the Maintenance of Executive Power2011/05/01English21
Federal Advisory Committees, Interest Groups, and the Administrative State1986/03/01English21
Presidential Influence Over the Systemic Agenda2004/09/01English19
Going Public' Revisited: Presidential Speechmaking and the Bargaining Setting in Congress1999/09/01English18
Controversially Executing the Law: George W. Bush and the Constitutional Signing Statement2009/10/13English17
Gender and Patterns of Roll Call Voting in the U.S. Senate2010/05/25English17
The Impact of Congressional Reform: House Democratic Committee Assignments1983/09/01English16
The Changing Politics of Federal Judicial Nominations2010/05/25English16
The Politics of Presidential Speeches2010/02/18English16
Police Patrols and Fire Alarms: An Empirical Examination of the Legislative Preference for Oversight2013/01/01English16
Congress and the Polarity Paradox: Party Polarization, Member Incivility and Enactment of Landmark Legislation, 1891–19942012/05/01English15
Professional Committee Staff as Policymaking Partners in the U.S. Congress1994/03/01English15
“A Legitimate Function”: Reconsidering Presidential Signing Statements2011/05/01English15
Revisiting “Who Influences Whom?” Agenda Setting on Biofuels2012/05/01English14
Executive Branch Management and Presidential Unilateralism: Centralization and the Issuance of Executive Orders2015/09/02English14
Issue Salience and Bill Introduction in the House and Senate2013/09/01English13
Issue Salience, Subconstituency Politics, and Legislative Representation2012/05/01English12
Leaders and Followers in the House of Representatives: Reflections on Woodrow Wilson's Congressional Government1987/09/01English12
Divided Government, United Approval: The Dynamics of Congressional and Presidential Approval2008/09/01English11
The Congressional Committee Intelligence System: Information, Oversight, and Change1987/03/01English11
Studying Congressional Norms: Concepts and Evidence1988/09/01English11