Congress & the Presidency

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Norms and Folkways in Congress: How Much Has Actually Changed?1988/09/01English11
“Going Public” Reconsidered: Reagan's 1981 Tax and Budget Cuts, and Revisionist Theories of Presidential Power1990/03/01English11
A Place at the Table: The Emerging Foreign Policy Roles of the White House Chief of Staff2002/09/01English11
Assessing Presidential Agenda-Setting Capacity: Dynamic Comparisons of Presidential, Mass Media, and Public Attention to Economic Issues2013/09/01English10
Is Anybody Watching? The Audience for Televised Presidential Addresses2000/03/01English10
Interest Group Competition and Cooperation at Legislative Hearings2008/09/01English10
The "Two Presidencies" in Future Research: Moving Beyond Roll-Call Analysis1993/09/01English10
Does Money Buy Congressional Love? Individual Donors and Legislative Voting2019/01/02English10
Tempus Fugit, Incumbency Stays: Measuring the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. Senate2012/05/01English9
George Bush's Vicar of the West Wing: John Sununu As White House Chief of Staff1997/03/01English9
Presidential Policy Initiation and the Politics of Agenda Control1997/03/01English9
Public Presidential Appeals and Congressional Floor Votes: Reassessing the Constitutional Threat2003/09/01English8
President Clinton and the Republican Congress, 1995-2000: Political and Policy Dimensions of Veto Politics in Divided Government2004/09/01English8
Issue Voting in U.S. Senate Elections: The Abortion Issue in 19901994/09/01English8
Owning Valence Issues: The Impact of a “Culture of Corruption” on the 2006 Midterm Elections2013/05/01English8
Policymaking by the Executive: Examining the Fate of Presidential Agenda Items2019/07/22English8
Explaining Congressional Staff Members’ Decisions to Leave the Hill2011/02/10English8
Earmarks and Elections to the U.S. House of Representatives2012/09/01English8
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: Polarization and Presidential Success in Congress2016/08/05English8
Consensus, Conflict, and Partisanship in House Decision Making: A Bill-Level Examination of Committee and Floor Behavior2010/10/01English7
Constitutional Design of the Executive: Vice Presidencies in Comparative Perspective2009/06/17English7
When Loyalty Is Tested: Do Party Leaders Use Committee Assignments as Rewards?2018/01/02English7
How Legislative (In)Activity, Ideological Divergence, and Divided Government Impact Executive Unilateralism: A Test of Three Theories2015/09/02English7
Presidential Vetoes: Motivations and Classification1985/03/01English7
The Three Presidencies? Legislative Position Taking in Support of the President on Domestic, Foreign, and Homeland Security Policies in the 107th Congress (2001-02)2007/09/01English7
Lawyers in Congress:What Difference Does It Make?1993/03/01English7
The Impact of Political Ideology on Congressional Support for Presidential Policy Making Authority: The Case of the Fast Track1995/09/01English7
Passing Nonincremental Policy: Presidential Influence in Congress, Kennedy to Carter1981/12/01English7
President Clinton's First Term: Matching Campaign Promises with Presidential Performance1998/03/01English7
Congressional Response to Statements of Administration Policy and Presidential Signing Statements2014/09/02English7