Comunicação pública

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Grassroots 2.0: Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age2011/06/0113
Pedro Marques Gomes. Os Saneamentos Políticos no Diário de Notícias no Verão Quente de 19752014/06/177
Uma cartografia do ódio no Facebook: gatilhos, insultos e imitações2020/12/154
Identifying the pros, cons and tactics of eSports sponsorships: An integrative literature review2020/06/264
The spread of fake news in 2018 Brazilian elections2020/06/263
COVID-19 no Instagram: práticas de comunicação estratégica das autoridades de saúde durante a pandemia2020/12/153
Why have fake news become key players in contemporary journalism?2019/06/283
O jornalismo político d’O Século e do Diário de Notícias2015/06/303
Advertising and the pandemic: Heineken and the new meanings in advertising communication2021/06/302
A portuguese voice in Canada: media, migrations and identity negotiations2010/12/012
Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H. & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Mudança do Tradicional para o Digital. Coimbra, Portugal: Conjuntura Actual Editora. Trad. Pedro Elói Duarte. (218 páginas). ISBN 97898969420832019/12/132
Interactivity and Political Communication: hypermedia campaigning in the UK2015/10/152
Public communication in Brazil: past, present and future2016/06/302
Internal communication in organizational contexts and the creation of scenes of dissent2018/12/132
Comunicação intercultural nos cuidados de saúde. Uma abordagem exploratória da interação entre assistentes sociais e doentes imigrantes2020/12/152
Posicionamento digital das Unidades de Saúde Pública em Portugal Continental em 20192020/12/152
Literacia em Saúde Relacionada com os Meios de Comunicação Social: enquadramento conceptual e criação de uma escala de avaliação2020/12/152
Benjamin, Walter (1938), Recensão a Gisèle Freund. La photographie en France au XIXe Siècle2018/06/291
Internal communication in the Digital Age: the case of McDonald's and International Women's Day2018/12/131
Organizational communication as a concept and a process: the expert perceptions2018/12/131
The role of internal communication in change processes in multinational organizations2018/12/131
Press Office and Journalism’ source: a mapping of the content of public communication from the Legislative Assembly of Parana2015/12/151
Media relations and social media: a case study of the changes in the relationship source-journalist and the press release production process2015/12/151
Consumo hedónico e utilitário e atitude face à publicidade2009/12/311
Organizational reputation and public relations: contributions to clarifying the hierarchy of concepts2013/10/301
Advertising and identity: what kind of connection?2013/12/311
Apontamentos para uma história das Relações Públicas em Portugal2011/06/011
Health Literacy and Official Websites about Deceased Organ Donation2020/12/151
Baptista, C. & Sousa, J. P. (Orgs.) (2020). Para uma História do Jornalismo em Portugal. Lisboa: ICNOVA. 636 pp. ISBN 978-989-54285-9-5 (Digital); 978-989-54285-8-8 (Impresso)2020/12/151
Impact of a lingering crisis on the perception of internal communication by employees: A case in the automotive sector2012/12/011