Comunicação pública

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Training dynamics in the workplace, as seen by trainers2012/12/011
Du bon usage des controverses2011/11/301
Du bon usage des controverses2011/11/301
Portraits of the Pietà: reflections on the discourses and identities in contemporary photography2014/12/151
Observatório da Pandemia: a publicidade e as marcas no contexto da COVID-192021/06/301
For an educational propaganda: the photographic record of Mário Novais regarding a visit of Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina to the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga2017/12/151
Texto e imagem fotográfica no primeiro contra-discurso durante o Estado Novo: «As mulheres do meu país» de Maria Lamas2017/12/151
Beyond economics: expressive appropriations of contemporary materialistic culture2005/12/311
Discourse strategies In corporate communication for enhancing democracy2007/12/311
A luz do desejo: a fotografia publicitária face à fotografia artística e à fotografia jornalística2009/12/311
The value of relationships2009/12/311
Cyber-militancy: is the Internet a key element for contemporary social movements?2010/12/011
Portugal: friendly nation. The image of portugal in the national press during the spanish civil war. The case of ABC de Sevilla (1936-39)2007/12/311
Figueira, J. & Santos, S. (Orgs.) (2020). As Fake News e a Nova Ordem (Des)Informativa na era da Pós-Verdade. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. 283 pp. ISBN: 978-989-26-1777-02020/06/261
Silva, T., Buckstegge, J. & Rogedo, P. (orgs.). (2018). Estudando cultura e comunicação com mídias sociais. Brasília: IBPAD. (400 páginas). ISBN 978-85-54230-01-22019/06/281
The relationship with journalists and the importance of credibility and honesty in media relations in Portugal2016/12/151
Digital media and rights: Perspectives of young people with cancer2017/06/301
News sources of fact-checking from Brazil and Portugal2019/12/131
Regulating misinformation and fake news: an international overview of responses to the problem2019/12/131
How laws are defining (and criminalizing) fake news2019/12/131
Introductory note2017/12/151
Song of the Lusitanian Bogeyman, a play by Peter Weiss - a portrait and critical discourse on Portuguese colonialism2017/12/151
José Compte: de la fotografía publicitaria a la propaganda en la guerra civil española (1936-1939)2017/12/151
For a content analysis of the official campaign pages on Facebook: the case of the 2017 Local Elections2020/06/261
News and its audiences in the era of the new media: perceptions and dynamics on online consumption2020/06/261
Vintage cultural icons in the touristic communication of Lisbon2020/06/261
Rational consumer choice2005/12/311
The challenges of public diplomacy for the global citizen and corporation2007/12/311
Challenges for a historiography of portuguese literary journalism2017/06/30
Voting advice applications: which effects among portuguese users?2018/06/29