Journal of Open Research Software

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Komadu: A Capture and Visualization System for Scientific Data Provenance2015/03/30English10
<i>DefocusTracker</i>: A Modular Toolbox for Defocusing-based, Single-Camera, 3D Particle Tracking2021/07/2310
Looking before Leaping: Creating a Software Registry2015/11/2310
Matlab Code for the Discrete Hankel Transform2017/01/119
WPTherml: A Python Package for the Design of Materials for Harnessing Heat2019/08/199
Tensors.jl — Tensor Computations in Julia2019/03/219
ugtm: A Python Package for Data Modeling and Visualization Using Generative Topographic Mapping2018/12/199
Manual Whisker Annotator (MWA): A Modular Open-Source Tool2016/04/289
ScatterJn: An ImageJ Plugin for Scatterplot-Matrix Analysis and Classification of Spatially Resolved Analytical Microscopy Data2016/02/039
Perprof-py: A Python Package for Performance Profile of Mathematical Optimization Software2016/04/229
Moirai Version 3: A Data Processing System to Generate Recent Historical Land Inputs for Global Modeling Applications at Various Scales2020/01/159
bayest: An R Package for Effect-Size Targeted Bayesian Two-Sample t-Tests2020/06/159
Plots.jl – A User Extendable Plotting API for the Julia Programming Language2023/01/01English9
The Matlab Radial Basis Function Toolbox2017/03/279
Report on the Third Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE3)2016/10/219
WekaPyScript: Classification, Regression, and Filter Schemes for WEKA Implemented in Python2016/08/088
Pyrad: A Real-Time Weather Radar Data Processing Framework Based on Py-ART2020/10/088
Gridsampler – A Simulation Tool to Determine the Required Sample Size for Repertory Grid Studies2017/01/108
A Python Package for Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Signal Preprocessing2021/10/068
Longbow: A Lightweight Remote Job Submission Tool2016/01/277
Efficient n-gram, Skipgram and Flexgram Modelling with Colibri Core2016/08/027
A Grid for Multidimensional and Multivariate Spatial Representation and Data Processing2020/01/307
model4you: An R Package for Personalised Treatment Effect Estimation2019/05/157
A Python Package to Calculate the OLR-Based Index of the Madden- Julian-Oscillation (OMI) in Climate Science and Weather Forecasting2021/05/147
BayesFactorFMRI: Implementing Bayesian Second-Level fMRI Analysis with Multiple Comparison Correction and Bayesian Meta-Analysis of fMRI Images with Multiprocessing2021/02/027
PFHub: The Phase-Field Community Hub2019/09/246
FluidSim: Modular, Object-Oriented Python Package for High-Performance CFD Simulations2019/04/266
The e-MERLIN Data Reduction Pipeline2015/01/29English6
FluidFFT: Common API (C++ and Python) for Fast Fourier Transform HPC Libraries2019/04/016
pyfMRIqc: A Software Package for Raw fMRI Data Quality Assurance2020/10/076