Journal of Open Research Software

Title Publication Date Language Citations
GuiTeNet: A Graphical User Interface for Tensor Networks2020/12/15
CMakeCatchTemplate: A C++ template project2021/07/16
CESER: An R Package to Compute Cluster Estimated Standard Errors2021/11/30
SWCalibrateR: Interactive, Web – Based Calibration of Soil Moisture Sensors2019/06/20
BayesFit: A tool for modeling psychophysical data using Bayesian inference2019/01/17
An Octave/MATLAB® Interface for Rapid Processing of SMOS L1C Full Polarization Brightness Temperature2018/01/08
pyObs: Open-Source Software for Computer-Assisted Behavioral Observation Coding2018/01/26
pyparty: Intuitive Particle Processing in Python2014/09/23
Virtual Micromagnetics: A Framework for Accessible and Reproducible Micromagnetic Simulation2016/10/31
CURSAT ver. 2.1: A Simple, Resampling-Based, Program to Generate Pseudoreplicates of Data and Calculate Rarefaction Curves2020/08/21
ABC-OCT – A Cross-Platform Implementation of Real-Time Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography2020/03/30
An Open Source Toolbox for Integrating Freshwater Social-Ecological Indicators in Basin Management2020/03/30
Transplant2Mongo: Python Scripts that Insert Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Data in MongoDB2019/03/14
EIT-MESHER – Segmented FEM Mesh Generation and Refinement2020/10/07
DoE.MIParray: An R Package for Algorithmic Creation of Orthogonal Arrays2020/10/07
bayesint: A Python Package for Calculating Bayesian Credible Intervals of Ratios of Beta Distributions2021/12/21
CSVDataMerge: A Simple and Free Program for Concatenating Experimental Data Files2021/12/10
Embo: a Python package for empirical data analysis using the Information Bottleneck2021/05/31
FastGAPP – A MATLABBased Program Supports Earth Scientists Interpreting Geochemical, Petrological and Sedimentological Data2021/05/31
oflibnumpy & oflibpytorch: Optical Flow Handling and Manipulation in Python2021/11/26
Rho: Application to Analyze Electrical Resistivity2022/01/01English
PBTK Optimizer: An Open Source Application for PBTK Model Parameter Optimization in Python2021/04/14
Guaranteed Automatic Integration Library (GAIL): An Open-Source MATLAB Library for Function Approximation, Optimization, and Integration2022/01/01English
DST (Dynamic Synchronization Toolbox): A MATLAB Implementation of the Dynamic Phase-Locking Pipeline from Stimulus Transformation into Motor Action: Dynamic Graph Analysis Reveals a Posterior-to-Anterior Shift in Brain Network Communication of Older Subjects2022/01/01English
Smurf: System for Modelling with Uncertainty Reduction, and Forecasting2021/02/05
HELMpy, Open Source Package of Power Flow Solvers, Including the Holomorphic Embedding Load Flow Method (HELM), Developed on Python 32021/08/18
Uavnoma: A UAV-NOMA Network Model under Non-Ideal Conditions2022/01/01English
ATUS-Commuting: Stata Code to Calculate Commuting Time in the American Time Use Survey2017/09/25
PLEASE: The Python Low-energy Electron Analysis SuitE – Enabling Rapid Analysis of LEEM and LEED Data2018/02/05
pyHomogeneity: A Python Package for Homogeneity Test of Time Series Data2023/01/01English