IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Data-Driven Shared Steering Control of Semi-Autonomous Vehicles2019/08/013
Toward Personalized Activity Recognition Systems With a Semipopulation Approach2016/02/013
<italic>iLeg</italic>—A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot: A Proof of Concept2016/10/013
A Multisensor Multiclassifier Hierarchical Fusion Model Based on Entropy Weight for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Inertial Sensors2019/02/013
Using Wearable Sensors to Capture Posture of the Human Lumbar Spine in Competitive Swimming2019/04/013
Movement Primitive Segmentation for Human Motion Modeling: A Framework for Analysis2016/06/013
Power-Aware Activity Monitoring Using Distributed Wearable Sensors2014/08/013
A Haptic Solution to Assist Visually Impaired in Mobility Tasks2015/10/013
Toward an Enhanced Human–Machine Interface for Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control With Combined EMG and NIRS Signals2017/08/013
Accurate and Reliable Human Localization Using Composite Particle/FIR Filtering2017/06/013
A Review on Human–Machine Trust Evaluation: Human-Centric and Machine-Centric Perspectives2022/10/012
The Effects of Haptic Feedback and Transition Type on Transfer of Control Between Drivers and Vehicle Automation2021/12/012
Levels of Automation and Transparency: Interaction Design Considerations in Assistive Robots for Older Adults2021/12/012
Formalizing Distributed Situation Awareness in Multi-Agent Networks2022/12/012
Assistant Robot Enhances the Perceived Communication Quality of People With Dementia: A Proof of Concept2022/06/012
An Eye Movement Analysis Algorithm for a Multielement Target Tracking Task: Maximum Transition-Based Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering2015/02/012
Improving Human Action Recognition Using Fusion of Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors2015/02/012
The Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Nondriving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles2018/12/012
A Topology of Shared Control Systems—Finding Common Ground in Diversity2018/10/012
Real-Time Human Foot Motion Localization Algorithm With Dynamic Speed2016/12/012
Discrete Event Simulation and Virtual Reality Use in Industry: New Opportunities and Future Trends2016/12/012
Application of Open-Loop Stackelberg Equilibrium to Modeling a Driver's Interaction with Vehicle Active Steering Control in Obstacle Avoidance2017/10/012
Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Based on Muscle Synergies for Simultaneous Control of Dexterous Finger Movements2017/08/012
Cooperative Shared Control Driver Assistance Systems Based on Motion Primitives and Differential Games2017/10/012
Situation Awareness Inferred From Posture Transition and Location: Derived From Smartphone and Smart home Sensors2017/12/012
On the Usability of Electroencephalographic Signals for Biometric Recognition: A Survey2017/12/012
Simulation-Based Optimization Methodology for a Manual Material Handling Task Design That Maximizes Productivity While Considering Ergonomic Constraints2019/10/012
Eye Tracking: A Process-Oriented Method for Inferring Trust in Automation as a Function of Priming and System Reliability2019/12/012
A New Framework for Cognitive Mobility of Visually Impaired Users in Using Tactile Device2017/12/012
Eye-Gaze Tracking Analysis of Driver Behavior While Interacting With Navigation Systems in an Urban Area2016/08/012