IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Human Interaction With Robot Swarms: A Survey2016/02/012
Using Wireless EEG Signals to Assess Memory Workload in the <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX"> $n$</tex-math> </inline-formula>-Back Task2016/06/012
A Multiviewpoint Outdoor Dataset for Human Action Recognition2020/10/012
Transparency for a Workload-Adaptive Cognitive Agent in a Manned–Unmanned Teaming Application2020/06/012
Computational Modeling of the Dynamics of Human Trust During Human–Machine Interactions2019/12/012
Augmented-Reality-Based Indoor Navigation: A Comparative Analysis of Handheld Devices Versus Google Glass2016/01/012
Web Design Attributes in Building User Trust, Satisfaction, and Loyalty for a High Uncertainty Avoidance Culture2017/12/012
Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use2020/06/012
An Astute Assistive Device for Mobility and Object Recognition for Visually Impaired People2019/10/012
Design and Construction of Electronic Aid for Visually Impaired People2018/04/012
A Multimodal Gaze-Controlled Virtual Keyboard2016/08/012
Exploration of Location-Aware You-Are-Here Maps on a Pin-Matrix Display2016/02/012
A Stochastic Driver Pedal Behavior Model Incorporating Road Information2017/10/012
Takeover Requests in Simulated Partially Autonomous Vehicles Considering Human Factors2017/10/012
A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications2020/12/012
Integrating Human Behavior Modeling and Data Mining Techniques to Predict Human Errors in Numerical Typing2015/02/012
Recent Advances on Singlemodal and Multimodal Face Recognition: A Survey2014/12/012
Formal Detection of Attentional Tunneling in Human Operator–Automation Interactions2014/06/012
Can a Chatbot Comfort Humans? Studying the Impact of a Supportive Chatbot on Users’ Self-Perceived Stress2022/06/012
Load Asymmetry Angle Estimation Using Multiple-View Videos2021/12/012
An Online Multi-Index Approach to Human Ergonomics Assessment in the Workplace2022/10/012
Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones2015/10/012
Personalized Travel Package With Multi-Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Crowdsourced User Footprints2016/02/012
On the Human–Machine Interaction of Unmanned Aerial System Mission Specialists2013/01/012
Implicit Intention Communication in Human–Robot Interaction Through Visual Behavior Studies2017/08/012
Real-Time Assessment of the Cross-Task Mental Workload Using Physiological Measures During Anomaly Detection2018/04/012
Control Methods for Internet-Based Teleoperation Systems: A Review2019/02/012
Driver Assistance System With a Dual Control Scheme: Effectiveness of Identifying Driver Drowsiness and Preventing Lane Departure Accidents2016/10/012
Gesture Recognition Using Reflected Visible and Infrared Lightwave Signals2021/02/012
Techniques for Constructing Indoor Navigation Systems for the Visually Impaired: A Review2020/12/012