IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Underwater Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Enhancement2023/06/01
How Resource Demands of Nondriving-Related Tasks and Engagement Time Affect Drivers’ Physiological Response and Takeover Performance in Conditional Automated Driving2023/06/01
Playing With Others Using Headphones: Musicians Prefer Binaural Audio With Head Tracking Over Stereo2023/06/01
Evaluation of Short-Range Depth Sonifications for Visual-to-Auditory Sensory Substitution2023/06/01
Human-Like Trajectory Planning Based on Postural Synergistic Kernelized Movement Primitives for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation2024/04/01
Table of Contents2024/04/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2024/04/01
Connect. Support. Inspire.2024/04/01
Present a World of Opportunity2024/04/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2024/04/01
Share Your Preprint Research with the World!2024/04/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems Information for Authors2024/04/01
Trust in Range Estimation System in Battery Electric Vehicles–A Mixed Approach2024/01/01
Human Vital Signs Estimation Using Resonance Sparse Spectrum Decomposition2024/01/01
Human-Centered Evaluation of EMG-Based Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control Modes2024/01/01
AI-SenseVision: A Low-Cost Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robust and Real-Time Assistance for Visually Impaired People2024/01/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems Information for Authors2023/12/01
Table of Contents2023/12/01
A Multidataset Characterization of Window-Based Hyperparameters for Deep CNN-Driven sEMG Pattern Recognition2024/02/01
A Novel Measure of Human Safety Perception in Response to Flight Characteristics of Collocated UAVs in Virtual Reality2024/02/01
What Challenges Does the Full-Touch HMI Mode Bring to Driver's Lateral Control Ability? A Comparative Study Based on Real Roads2024/02/01
Using $B$-Spline Model on Depth Camera Data to Predict Physical Activity Energy Expenditure of Different Levels of Human Exercise2024/02/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2023/12/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2023/12/01
Assessment of Upper-Body Movement Quality in the Cartesian-Space is Feasible in the Harmony Exoskeleton2023/12/01
Thresholds for Perceiving Changes in Friction When Combined With Linear System Dynamics2024/01/01
RTSformer: A Robust Toroidal Transformer With Spatiotemporal Features for Visual Tracking2024/04/01
Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electrode Placement for Gait Prediction Models2024/04/01
An Incremental Learning Approach to Detect Muscular Fatigue in Human– Robot Collaboration2023/06/01
Respiratory Feature Extraction for Contactless Breathing Pattern Recognition Using a Single Digital Camera2023/06/01