IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training2016/10/01
CAPFF: A Context-Aware Assistant for Paper Form Filling2017/12/01
Effects of Visual Feedback on Out-of-Body Illusory Tactile Sensation When Interacting With Augmented Virtual Objects2016/01/01
Supporting Operators in Process Control Tasks—Benefits of Interactive 3-D Visualization2016/12/01
Table of Contents2016/10/01
Golden Jubilee Anniversary Issue of Transactions on Man-Machine Systems2016/10/01
Synthetic Word Gesture Generation for Stroke-Based Virtual Keyboards2017/04/01
Human Velocity Control of Admittance-Type Robotic Devices With Scaled Visual Feedback of Device Motion2016/12/01
Automatic Facial Expression Learning Method Based on Humanoid Robot XIN-REN2016/12/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems publication information2018/04/01
Table of Contents2018/04/01
Hand-in-Hand: A Communication-Enhancement Collaborative Virtual Reality System for Promoting Social Interaction in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders2018/04/01
Analysis of Upper-Extremity Motion and Muscle and Brain Activation During Machine Operation in Consideration of Mass and Friction2018/04/01
Using Semantics to Automatically Generate Speech Interfaces for Wearable Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications2017/02/01
Combined Use of Rear Touch Gestures and Facial Feature Detection to Achieve Single-Handed Navigation of Mobile Devices2016/10/01
A usability study of a critical man–machine interface: Can layperson responders perform optimal compression rates when using a public access defibrillator with automated real-time feedback during cardiopulmonary resuscitation?2016/10/01
Autonomous Fall Detection With Wearable Cameras by Using Relative Entropy Distance Measure2016/01/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems publication information2016/10/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems information for authors2016/10/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2016/10/01
Accelerated Visual Context Classification on a Low-Power Smartwatch2016/01/01
Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust Hand Gesture Recognition2017/08/01
Online Cross-Modal Adaptation for Audio–Visual Person Identification With Wearable Cameras2016/01/01
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Information2016/12/01
TunnelSlice: Freehand Subspace Acquisition Using an Egocentric Tunnel for Wearable Augmented Reality2016/01/01
A Framework for Biometric and Interaction Performance Assessment of Automated Border Control Processes2017/12/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems information for authors2016/12/01
Table of Contents2016/12/01
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems publication information2016/12/01
Multi-Brain Coding Expands the Instruction Set in SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces2023/10/01