Fire Safety Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stress–strain constitutive equations of concrete material at elevated temperatures2005/10/01English127
Predictive modeling of wildfires: A new dataset and machine learning approach2019/03/01English126
High temperature properties of hot-rolled, structural steels for use in fire engineering design studies1988/04/01English125
Effect of elevated temperature on bond between steel reinforcement and fiber reinforced concrete2008/07/01English125
Virtual origins of fire plumes1983/01/01English124
The application of a genetic algorithm to estimate material properties for fire modeling from bench-scale fire test data2006/04/01English121
Heat release during thermally-induced failure of a lithium ion battery: Impact of cathode composition2016/10/01English121
Video-based smoke detection with histogram sequence of LBP and LBPV pyramids2011/04/01English119
Jet fires and the domino effect2008/11/01English118
EVACNET+: A computer program to determine optimal building evacuation plans1985/07/01English117
Structural steel and plane frame assemblies under fire action1986/05/01English115
An image processing technique for fire detection in video images2006/06/01English112
A virtual reality based fire training simulator integrated with fire dynamics data2012/05/01English112
Flame spreading across liquid fuels1981/01/01English112
Compartment fire phenomena under limited ventilation2005/06/01English111
Fire detection using smoke and gas sensors2007/11/01English110
Human exit choice in crowded built environments: Investigating underlying behavioural differences between normal egress and emergency evacuations2016/10/01English109
The effect of high temperatures on the mechanical properties of concrete made with different types of aggregates2011/10/01English109
Residual bond strength between steel bars and concrete after elevated temperatures2009/08/01English109
Development of a high-temperature-resistant mortar by using slag and pumice2008/11/01English105
Evaluating residual compressive strength of concrete at elevated temperatures using ultrasonic pulse velocity2009/01/01English104
Fire spread experiments in the field: Temperature and heat fluxes measurements2009/02/01English103
Movement speed and exit choice in smoke-filled rail tunnels2013/07/01English103
Temperature development in structural stainless steel sections exposed to fire2006/04/01English103
Experimental study of the mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures2009/02/01English103
Smoke detection in video using wavelets and support vector machines2009/11/01English102
Effect of high temperature on strength and microstructural properties of cemented paste backfill2009/05/01English101
The physical and chemical action of fire suppressants1989/01/01English100
Experimental analysis of cross-laminated timber panels in fire2009/11/01English100
Fire performance of self-consolidating concrete filled double skin steel tubular columns: Experiments2010/02/01English98