Fire Safety Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ignition and Flashover of Reduced Scale Compartments with Timber Ceilings2024/04/01English
Experimental determination of the charring rate of cross-laminated timber panelsEnglish
Influence of fuel moisture content on the burning of cistus shrubs exposed to a low-intensity fireEnglish
Empirical assessment of fire safety in high-rise residential buildings in Vietnam and residents’ knowledge and awareness regarding fire safetyEnglish
Smolder ignition of polyurethane foam: effect of oxygen concentration2000/06/01English
A novel measurement strategy for explosion temperature field towards enhancing the fire process safety2024/05/01English
Tracking of the smoke front under a ceiling by a laser sheet and thermocouples2000/04/01English
The effects of an inert central core on the thermal pyrolysis of an electrical cable2000/03/01English
Buckling and critical temperatures of restrained H-section steel columns in fire considering dynamic effect2023/12/01English
An empirical firebrand pile heat flux model2023/12/01English
Influence mechanism of temperature field inside the cable on dynamic process of cable pyrolysis2023/12/01English
Evaluation of angular resolution requirements in the finite-volume-method solution of the radiative transfer equation2023/12/01English
Numerical investigation on turbulence-radiation interaction in the UMD turbulent line fires2023/12/01English
Flame and burning dynamics of pool fire inside semi-confined compartment under external cross wind2023/12/01English
Experimental study on fire spread behavior of single 110 kV cable under different layout conditions2023/12/01English
Sub-grid scale turbulent micro-mixing with infinitely fast chemistry in the context of fire modelling2023/12/01English
Experimental and numerical modelling of the interaction between a turbulent premixed propane/air flame and a composite flat plate2023/12/01English
Burning capability of the flame refluxer under the influence of waves2023/10/01English
Effects of hydrogen isotope type on oxidation rates for trace releases2023/12/01English
Modelling and effects of fuel radiation in methanol pool fires2023/10/01English
Effect of oxygen concentration on the velocity in buoyant turbulent diffusion flames2023/10/01English
Fire From Volcanic Activity: Quantifying the threat from an understudied hazard2023/12/01English
The impact of people with mobility limitations on exit choice2023/10/01English
Experimental demonstration test of damages in houses caused by wildland-urban interface fires2023/12/01English
The response of diagrid structures to fire2023/12/01English
Experimental study of dynamics of flames from discrete methanol fuel wicks in ullages2023/12/01English
Backdraft experiments and large eddy simulations in a scaled compartment2023/12/01English
Experimental study of ejected fire plume from an opening under facing wind passing through the roof2023/12/01English
Towards characterizing full-scale furniture fires in a two-storey house: Gaseous species concentrations during a ventilation-limited fire2023/12/01English
Laboratory-scale testing of titanium powder fire extinguishment using water2023/12/01English