Applied Ocean Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
2DH numerical model of nonlinear wave propagation based on a hybrid finite-volume and finite-difference schemeEnglish
Robust sliding mode control with adaptive gravity estimation of ship-borne Stewart platform for wave compensationEnglish
Modeling the floating-body motion in nonlinear random waves based on vertically integrated wave equations2000/06/01English
The extreme force on an offshore structure and its variability1998/02/01English
Three-dimensional behaviour of elastic marine cables in sheared currents2000/02/01English
A comparison of a heuristic wave drift damping formula with experimental results1999/04/01English
Green's functions for water waves in porous structures2000/02/01English
Deterministic wave model for short-crested ocean waves: Part II. Comparison with laboratory and field measurements1999/08/01English
On the maximum velocity profile of wave boundary layer flows in the very rough turbulent regime2024/04/01English
Quantitative assessment of building risks and loss ratios caused by storm surge disasters: A case study of Xiamen, China2024/04/01English
On the determination of directional wave spectra for practical applications1998/12/01English
Use of springs to simulate the wind induced moments on turret moored vessels1998/08/01English
Bubble plumes and their interaction with the water surface2000/04/01English
On two solutions of fifth order Stokes waves1995/01/01English
Current forces in tankers and bifurcation of equilibrium of turret systems: hydrodynamic model and experiments1998/06/01English
Far-field characteristics and evolutions of electromagnetic field induced by the wake of underwater vehicles2024/04/01English
A block failure model for deep-sea sediment between grousers of deep-sea mining vehicles based on elasto-plastic theory2024/04/01English
Wave deformation by a submerged flexible circular disk1999/10/01English
Slow motion dynamics of turret mooring and its approximation as single point mooring1999/02/01English
A random-field approach to slope failure along a sub-sea pipeline route1996/04/01English
Water wave scattering by a submerged thick wall with a gap1999/04/01English
Papers published in volume 191997/10/01English
Axial-lateral-torsional coupling nonlinear vibration of riserless drill-string considering both seawater and stratum parts2023/11/01English
Numerical investigation of the keying process of a new type of expandable plate anchor2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Vortex-induced vibration characteristics of mining riser under the coupling effect of external ocean current and internal multiphase flow2023/11/01English
Assessment of Different Hybrid Methods for Simulations of Free Running Surface Ship Maneuvering in Waves2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English