Applied Ocean Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The blockage coefficient for a rectangular duct containing a barrier with a circular aperture1998/06/01English
Low frequency wave force spectrum influenced by wave-current interaction2001/06/01English
Extreme value analysis in a multivariate offshore environment1996/12/01English
A causal transient water wave diffraction formulation2000/10/01English
An equivalent single plate approach of ship stiffened panels considering coupling effect of compression and bending2024/03/01English
For better comprehension of mussel's thermal characteristics and their thermal effect on dynamic submarine electrical cables2024/03/01English
Investigation on the flow-induced vibration of tandem cylinders with varying diameters at subcritical Reynolds numbers2023/09/01English
Simplified estimation of wave attenuation in marginal ice zone using homogenized scattering model2023/09/01English
Mitigation of hydroelastic response in pneumatically supported floating structures2023/09/01English
Assessment of experimental tests on SFT small scale specimen2023/09/01English
A satellite altimetry data assimilation approach to optimise sea state estimates from vessel motion2023/03/01English
Directional effects of correlated wind and waves on the dynamic response of long-span sea-crossing bridges2023/03/01English
Experimental and numerical investigation of the gap flow between a pusher and a barge in deep and shallow water2023/03/01English
Laws of underwater accumulation of nonuniform triple particles2023/03/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Bi-objective ship speed optimization based on machine learning method and discrete optimization ideaEnglish
Feasibility investigation of tuned mass damper for vibration control of curved floating bridge in winds and wavesEnglish
A new approach for the assessment of coastal flooding risk. Application in Rhodes island, GreeceEnglish
A deep learning approach to estimate ocean salinity with data sampled with expendable bathythermographsEnglish
A multimodal dynamic vibration absorber for controlling longitudinal vibration of propulsion shafting systemEnglish
Incorporating physical constraints in a deep learning framework for short-term daily prediction of sea ice concentrationEnglish
Experimental and numerical investigation of tandem-arranged semi-active hydrofoils propulsion for wave gliderEnglish
An overtopping formula for shallow water vertical seawalls by SWASHEnglish
Vibration analysis of cylindrical shell discontinuously coupled with annular plate with arbitrary boundary conditionsEnglish
Predicting the ultimate bearing capacity of spudcan in stiff-over-soft clay based on a failure model varying with soil parameterEnglish
Editorial BoardEnglish
Wave scattering by ⊓-shaped breakwaters in finite depth waterEnglish
Analysis of turning ability of large tankers with and without bulbous bow in calm sea and wavesEnglish