Atomic Energy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Plasma separation of the elements applied to nuclear materials handling2006/10/01English52
Molten-salt reactors: new possibilities, problems and solutions2012/07/01English49
Conceptual framework of a strategy for the development of nuclear power in Russia to 21002012/10/01English48
Enrichment of Regenerated Uranium with Simultaneous Dilution of 232–236U by Raw and Waste Uranium2014/10/14English41
Multistream Cascades for Separation of Multicomponent Isotopic Mixtures2015/12/01English36
Modernization of the IBR-2 pulsed research reactor2012/10/18English32
PuF3, AmF3, CeF3, and NdF3 Solubility in LiF–NaF–KF Melt2013/10/20English29
Neutron Yield of the Reaction (α, n) on Thick Targets Comprised of Light Elements2015/02/18English29
Nuclear-Magnetic Flowmeter-Relaxometers for Monitoring Coolant and Feedwater Flow and Status in Npp2020/03/01English28
Enrichment of Regenerated Uranium in a Gas Centrifuge Cascade with Simultaneous Dilution of 232,236U by Waste and Low-Enrichment Uranium2017/09/01English26
Experimental Studies of the Characteristics of Contact Heat Exchange Between Lead Coolant and the Working Body2005/03/01English23
Concept of an advanced power-generating unit with a BN-1200 sodium-cooled fast reactor2010/08/01English22
Fuel Salt for the Molten-Salt Reactor2013/10/20English22
Reprocessed uranium purification in cascades with 235U enrichment to 5%2013/10/20English21
Optimization of a Centrifuge Cascade for Separating a Multicomponent Mixture of Isotopes2013/11/14English21
Composition Optimization of Homogeneous Radiation-Protective Materials for Planned Irradiation Conditions2017/02/01English21
Technical solutions and development stages for the BREST-OD-300 reactor unit2012/10/18English20
Prospects for Using Nitride Fuel in Fast Reactors with a Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle2014/11/30English20
Impurities and their effect on the structure and properties of zirconium parts in nuclear reactors2008/11/01English19
Fuel Pin Melting in a Fast Reactor and Melt Solidification: Simulation Using the SAFR/V1 Module of the EVKLID/V2 Integral Code2018/07/01English19
Experimental validation of the cooling loop for a passive system for removing heat from the AES-2006 protective envelope design for the Leningradskaya nuclear power plant site2009/03/01English19
Neutron-physical characteristics of a VVÉR core with 100% load of reprocessed uranium and plutonium fuel2006/12/01English18
Identification of the Main Dose-Forming Radionuclides in NPP Emissions2016/05/27English18
Correcting the isotopic composition of regenerated uranium with respect to 232U by a centrifuge method with introduction of a carrier gas2008/09/01English17
High-purity titanium, zirconium, and hafnium in nuclear power2011/12/01English17
Decommissioning Features of BN-350, -600 Fast Reactors2019/02/01English17
SAFR/V1 (EVKLID/V2 Integral Code Module) Aided Simulation of Melt Movement Along the Surface of a Fuel Element in a Fast Reactor During a Serious Accident2018/08/01English17
MCU-PTR program for high-precision calculations of pool and tank type research reactors2011/01/01English17
Molten-Salt Reactor for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Closure on All Actinides2019/03/01English16
Brest Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor: From Concept to Technological Implementation2021/02/01English16