Atomic Energy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Features of coolant movement at the boundary of jacketless fuel assemblies with fuel rods of various diameters2023/07/01English
Fire simulation in the main control room of Bushehr nuclear power plant using CFAST software2024/04/09English
Optimization of the square and squared-off cascades to separate stable isotopes using meta-heuristic algorithms2024/04/09English
Improving the efficiency of a BREST-300 NPP using the thermal energy of natural gas2023/07/01English
Fuel cycles with advanced dispersion fuel elements of high uranium density2023/07/01English
Experimental and computational-theoretical capabilities of RFNC—VNIITF and the tasks of ensuring the safety of hydrogen energy technologies2023/07/01English
Technology development and performance study of various thermoluminescent detectors2023/07/01English
Lessons learned from the experience of operating lead-bismuth nuclear power reactors2023/07/01English
Enthalpy and heat capacity of lead in a condensed state2023/07/01English
Calculated demonstration of VVER-1000 SNF actinide transmutation efficiency2023/07/01English
Extended one-group cross-section libraries in precision nuclide composition calculations of irradiated steel2023/07/01English
Coolant nuclid kinetics for fast reactors2023/07/01English
Development of a hydrogen-air flame in a vertical channel with a horizontal diaphragm2023/07/01English
Validation of the EUCLID/V1 integrated computer code against the BOR-60 experimental data2023/07/01English
Stilbene-Based Spectrometer for Unfolding the Energy Distribution of Fast Neutron Sources2022/12/01English
Nitriding and Carburization of a Mixed Nitride Uranium-Plutonium Fuel Pin Cladding2022/12/01English
Refining the Postulated Defectiveness of NPP Equipment and Pipelines Using Bayesian Procedures2022/12/01English
Three Dynamic Features of Pulsed Reactors2022/12/01English
Optimization of Neutron Radiation Detection Assemblies2022/12/01English
Liquid Radwaste Denitration by Electrochemical Reduction of Nitric Acid2022/11/01English
Technologies of Np, Am Afterburning in Fast Reactors with Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Nitride Fuel2022/11/01English
Modeling of the Coolant Flow Distribution Over the Elements of a BREST-OD-300 Reactor Core2022/11/01English
Role of Nuclear Hydrogen Power Plants in Local Power Systems with Unconventional Energy Sources2022/12/01English
R&D Test Bench for Investigating the Dynamic Adsorption of Radon from Airflows2023/02/01English
Assessment of the Level of Natural Circulation of VVER-1000 Coolant on the Basis of Experimental Data from the Balakovo NPP2023/02/01English
Calculation of X-Ray Dose Loads in the Human Body Using Voxel Phantoms and the MCU Program2023/02/01English
Concept of Carbide Compaction of Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Fuel2023/02/01English
Methodological Problems in Assessing the Availability Indicators of NPP Power Units at the Design Stage2023/01/01English
Experimental Study of Departure from Nucleate Boiling on the Surface of a Molten Core Catcher Under Conditions of Boiling Borated Water with Debris2023/01/01English
Effects of the Thermal Exposure and Organosilicate Coating on the Properties of a Specialized Concrete for NPP Construction2023/01/01English