Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pandas in trees1996/01/01English
The body, discourse, and The man who envied women1987/01/01English
How to live like an elegant woman1992/01/01English
Yes, I'll admit it, I like boy bands, so what?2005/01/01English
Art, Activism and Social Change2007/11/01English
African American Art in a Post-Black Era2007/11/01English
Urban Faciality and Thanatos2007/11/01English
Film Review2007/11/01English
Book Reviews2007/11/01English
Policy Matters2007/11/01English
Gómez-Peña's Philosophical Tantrum2007/11/01English
A Message from the Editorial Collective2006/03/01English
Watering the studio: Dance company 5è dimension rehearses in dakar, senegal2006/11/01English
Ready or Not: Lauryn Hill As Hip-Hop's Mammy2006/03/01English
Woven Spaces: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick'sDialogue On Love2006/07/01English
Introduction: Domestic disturbances2006/11/01English
Dialectic of Domesticity: Homemaking and ITS Discontents in 1920s American Drama2006/11/01English
Dangerous flirtations: politics, the parlor, and the nineteenth-century victorian amateur actress2006/11/01English
Cavedweller: A One-Act Play2006/11/01English
‘Una Escuela Rara’: Havana Meets Harlem in Montmartre2006/03/01English
Pillage Feast2006/07/01English
Tongue and Groove: Movable Sculpture (Courtney Smith at the Chelsea art Museum)2006/11/01English
Call For Papers2007/03/01English
“Mad Agnes” Ebbsmith: Revolutionary Roles and Reconfigured Relationships in A. W. Pinero'sthe Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith2006/11/01English
Performing an ethics of entanglement instill present pasts:Korean Americansand the “Forgotten War”2006/07/01English