Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States1987/03/01English1,625
Multi-Agent Systems for the Simulation of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: A Review2003/06/01English966
The Uncertain Geographic Context Problem2012/09/01English839
Revealing the Vulnerability of People and Places: A Case Study of Georgetown County, South Carolina2000/12/01English790
Rethinking Environmental Racism: White Privilege and Urban Development in Southern California2000/03/01English776
The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 14921992/09/01English619
Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework2006/09/01English608
The Economic Geography of Talent2002/12/01English567
Modernity and Hybridity: Nature,Regeneracionismo,and the Production of the Spanish Waterscape, 1890–19301999/09/01English553
Urban Policy Mobilities and Global Circuits of Knowledge: Toward a Research Agenda2011/01/21English551
Parks and People: An Environmental Justice Inquiry in Baltimore, Maryland2009/09/04English509
Social Sensing: A New Approach to Understanding Our Socioeconomic Environments2015/04/27English508
The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–20022007/09/01English502
Dust-Storm Source Areas Determined by the Total Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Observations2003/06/01English492
Geographies of Care and Responsibility2007/03/01English474
Place as Historically Contingent Process: Structuration and the Time-Geography of Becoming Places1984/03/01English472
Between Space and Time: Reflections on the Geographical Imagination11990/09/01English428
Measurement, Optimization, and Impact of Health Care Accessibility: A Methodological Review2012/09/01English426
Tobler's First Law and Spatial Analysis2004/06/01English422
The State, Land System, and Land Development Processes in Contemporary China2005/06/01English419
Locality and Community in the Politics of Local Economic Development1988/06/01English387
The Geographic Sources of Innovation: Technological Infrastructure and Product Innovation in the United States1994/06/01English371
Neoliberalizing Nature? Market Environmentalism in Water Supply in England and Wales2005/09/01English369
The Construction of Global Warming and the Politics of Science2001/06/01English357
Law, Property, and the Geography of Violence: The Frontier, the Survey, and the Grid2003/03/01English344
Researching Volunteered Geographic Information: Spatial Data, Geographic Research, and New Social Practice2012/05/01English341
Feminist Visualization: Re-envisioning GIS as a Method in Feminist Geographic Research2002/12/01English330
Gentrification and the Rent Gap1987/09/01English320