Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The “Magic of the Mall”: An Analysis of Form, Function, and Meaning in the Contemporary Retail Built Environment1993/03/01English312
Land-Cover-Change Trajectories in Southern Cameroon2000/09/01English308
Beyond Space (As We Knew It): Toward Temporally Integrated Geographies of Segregation, Health, and Accessibility2013/09/01English304
Between Geography and Philosophy: What Does It Mean to Be in the Place-World?2001/12/01English300
Racism out of Place: Thoughts on Whiteness and an Antiracist Geography in the New Millennium2000/06/01English295
The Elite, the Natives, and the Outsiders: Migration and Labor Market Segmentation in Urban China2002/03/01English287
Sovereignty Regimes: Territoriality and State Authority in Contemporary World Politics2005/06/01English278
The Vulnerability of Science and the Science of Vulnerability2003/03/01English275
Payments for Ecosystem Services in Mexico: Nature, Neoliberalism, Social Movements, and the State2010/06/25English274
The Causes of Deforestation in Developing Countries1985/06/01English272
Alternative Explanations for Inner-City Gentrification: A Canadian Assessment1986/12/01English266
World-City Network: A New Metageography?2000/03/01English263
“Place-Framing” as Place-Making: Constituting a Neighborhood for Organizing and Activism2003/09/01English263
Principal Component Analysis on Spatial Data: An Overview2013/01/01English260
It's About Time: A Conceptual Framework for the Representation of Temporal Dynamics in Geographic Information Systems1994/09/01English240
Stylized Facts and Close Dialogue: Methodology in Economic Geography1998/03/01English240
On the First Law of Geography: A Reply2004/06/01English235
Recovering the Substantive Nature of Landscape1996/12/01English228
A Tropical Forest Transition? Agricultural Change, Out-migration, and Secondary Forests in the Ecuadorian Amazon2002/03/01English227
Identifying Critical Infrastructure: The Median and Covering Facility Interdiction Problems2004/09/01English225
Flexible Specialization and Regional Industrial Agglomerations: The Case of the U.S. Motion Picture Industry1987/03/01English225
A Validation of Metrics for Community Resilience to Natural Hazards and Disasters Using the Recovery from Hurricane Katrina as a Case Study2014/11/04English224
Evaluation of Methods for Classifying Epidemiological Data on Choropleth Maps in Series2002/12/01English224
Human Territoriality: A Theory1983/03/01English222
Postmodern Urbanism1998/03/01English222
The Hazards of Indicators: Insights from the Environmental Vulnerability Index2008/02/05English222
Language and the Making of Place: A Narrative-Descriptive Approach1991/12/01English222
The Reworking of Conservation Geographies: Nonequilibrium Landscapes and Nature-Society Hybrids2000/06/01English216