Frontiers in Neurorobotics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gradient boosting machines, a tutorial2013/01/011,146
Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Electromyography Data: A Resource for the Classification of Movements for Prosthetic Hands2016/09/07293
What is intrinsic motivation? A typology of computational approaches2007/01/01157
Hybrid Brain–Computer Interface Techniques for Improved Classification Accuracy and Increased Number of Commands: A Review2017/07/24147
Bayesian Exploration for Intelligent Identification of Textures2012/01/01147
Current Status, Challenges, and Possible Solutions of EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface: A Comprehensive Review2020/06/03136
SAE+LSTM: A New Framework for Emotion Recognition From Multi-Channel EEG2019/06/12130
Proceedings of the first workshop on Peripheral Machine Interfaces: going beyond traditional surface electromyography2014/08/15115
Hybrid EEG–fNIRS-Based Eight-Command Decoding for BCI: Application to Quadcopter Control2017/02/17111
Adaptive control of time delay teleoperation system with uncertain dynamics2022/07/22105
The Myosuit: Bi-articular Anti-gravity Exosuit That Reduces Hip Extensor Activity in Sitting Transfers2017/10/2799
Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Algorithm With A* Heuristic Method2019/04/1690
Cross-Subject EEG Feature Selection for Emotion Recognition Using Transfer Recursive Feature Elimination2017/04/1085
A Review of Robot-Assisted Lower-Limb Stroke Therapy: Unexplored Paths and Future Directions in Gait Rehabilitation2020/04/1584
A Survey of Robotics Control Based on Learning-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks2018/07/0678
The Reality of Myoelectric Prostheses: Understanding What Makes These Devices Difficult for Some Users to Control2016/08/2275
Control of Time Delay Force Feedback Teleoperation System With Finite Time Convergence2022/05/0674
PD Control Compensation Based on a Cascade Neural Network Applied to a Robot Manipulator2020/12/0368
Adaptive Control Strategies for Interlimb Coordination in Legged Robots: A Review2017/08/2364
An EEG/EMG/EOG-Based Multimodal Human-Machine Interface to Real-Time Control of a Soft Robot Hand2019/03/2963
Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Indoor Small Target Detection2022/05/1963
Improved Feature Point Pair Purification Algorithm Based on SIFT During Endoscope Image Stitching2022/02/1562
Stable myoelectric control of a hand prosthesis using non-linear incremental learning2014/01/0162
A Human–Robot Interaction Perspective on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics2017/05/2361
Connecting Artificial Brains to Robots in a Comprehensive Simulation Framework: The Neurorobotics Platform2017/01/2560
Translating Research on Myoelectric Control into Clinics—Are the Performance Assessment Methods Adequate?2017/02/1458
A Comparative Analysis of Three Non-Invasive Human-Machine Interfaces for the Disabled2014/10/2753
Adaptive Admittance Control for an Ankle Exoskeleton Using an EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model2018/04/1052
Assessment of a Wearable Force- and Electromyography Device and Comparison of the Related Signals for Myocontrol2016/11/1751
The Path Planning of Mobile Robot by Neural Networks and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning2020/10/0251