Frontiers in Neurorobotics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evaluating EMG Feature and Classifier Selection for Application to Partial-Hand Prosthesis Control2016/10/1950
Sentence processing: linking language to motor chains2010/01/0150
SVM-Based Classification of sEMG Signals for Upper-Limb Self-Rehabilitation Training2019/06/0449
Use of tactile feedback to control exploratory movements to characterize object compliance2012/07/2648
Obstacle Avoidance and Target Acquisition for Robot Navigation Using a Mixed Signal Analog/Digital Neuromorphic Processing System2017/07/1146
Wearable Ankle Robots in Post-stroke Rehabilitation of Gait: A Systematic Review2019/08/1346
Causes of Performance Degradation in Non-invasive Electromyographic Pattern Recognition in Upper Limb Prostheses2018/09/2146
Self-organizing neural integration of pose-motion features for human action recognition2015/06/0945
EEG theta and Mu oscillations during perception of human and robot actions2013/01/0145
Lifelong Learning of Spatiotemporal Representations With Dual-Memory Recurrent Self-Organization2018/11/2845
I Reach Faster When I See You Look: Gaze Effects in Human–Human and Human–Robot Face-to-Face Cooperation2012/01/0145
Selectivity and Longevity of Peripheral-Nerve and Machine Interfaces: A Review2017/10/3144
A Differentiable Physics Engine for Deep Learning in Robotics2019/03/0744
A Minimal Model Describing Hexapedal Interlimb Coordination: The Tegotae-Based Approach2017/06/0940
Development of an EMG-Controlled Knee Exoskeleton to Assist Home Rehabilitation in a Game Context2019/08/2740
Stance and Swing Detection Based on the Angular Velocity of Lower Limb Segments During Walking2019/07/2440
A Piezoresistive Array Armband With Reduced Number of Sensors for Hand Gesture Recognition2020/01/1739
An Adaptive Neuromuscular Controller for Assistive Lower-Limb Exoskeletons: A Preliminary Study on Subjects with Spinal Cord Injury2017/06/2039
An Attention-Controlled Hand Exoskeleton for the Rehabilitation of Finger Extension and Flexion Using a Rigid-Soft Combined Mechanism2019/05/2938
A Real-Time Lift Detection Strategy for a Hip Exoskeleton2018/04/1237
Fetal Origin of Sensorimotor Behavior2018/05/2337
Closed-Loop Hybrid Gaze Brain-Machine Interface Based Robotic Arm Control with Augmented Reality Feedback2017/10/3137
Existence of Initial Dip for BCI: An Illusion or Reality2018/10/2637
Enhancing Classification Performance of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy- Brain–Computer Interface Using Adaptive Estimation of General Linear Model Coefficients2017/07/1737
Sensory feedback plays a significant role in generating walking gait and in gait transition in salamanders: a simulation study2011/01/0136
Learning by Demonstration for Motion Planning of Upper-Limb Exoskeletons2018/02/2336
Feel-Good Robotics: Requirements on Touch for Embodiment in Assistive Robotics2018/12/1135
Postural Hand Synergies during Environmental Constraint Exploitation2017/08/2935
Robot Cognitive Control with a Neurophysiologically Inspired Reinforcement Learning Model2011/01/0135
Simultaneous sEMG Classification of Hand/Wrist Gestures and Forces2019/06/1935