Mathematische Zeitschrift

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Whittaker categories and the minimal nilpotent finite W-algebras for $$\mathfrak {sl}_{n+1}$$2024/03/12English
Twisted conformal blocks and their dimension2024/03/19English
Canonical integral operators on the Fock space2024/03/12English
Nonempty interior of configuration sets via microlocal partition optimization2024/03/12English
Bloom weighted bounds for sparse forms associated to commutators2024/03/15English
Cohomology and geometry of Deligne–Lusztig varieties for $$\textrm{GL}_n$$2024/03/14English
D-finiteness, rationality, and height III: multivariate Pólya–Carlson dichotomy2024/03/14English
A note on the semistability of singular projective hypersurfaces2024/03/14English
Matrix Kloosterman sums modulo prime powers2024/03/14English
Random group actions on $$\textrm{CAT}(0)$$ square complexes2024/03/25English
$$\ell ^1$$-summability and Fourier series of B-splines with respect to their knots2024/02/17English
Isometries in the symmetrized bidisc2024/02/16English
Talbot effect on the sphere and torus for $$d\ge 2$$2024/02/16English
Extensions of toric line bundles2023/03/30English
A geometric approach to equivariant factorization homology and nonabelian Poincaré duality2023/03/20English
Tree languages and branched groups2023/03/20English
Geometric amenability in totally disconnected locally compact groups2023/03/30English
Freiheitssatz and phase transition for the density model of random groups2023/02/16English
Bogomolov–Sommese type vanishing theorem for holomorphic vector bundles equipped with positive singular Hermitian metrics2023/03/17English
Piecewise dominant sequences and the cocenter of the cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras2023/03/15English
Level structures on p-divisible groups from the Morava E-theory of abelian groups2023/02/15English
Arithmetic distribution of tempered components of cuspidal representations of $${{\,\textrm{GL}\,}}(3)$$2023/02/16English
Syzygies of curves in products of projective spaces2024/01/14English
“The Sierpinski gasket minus its bottom line” as a tree of Sierpinski gaskets2024/01/16English
A degeneration approach to Skoda’s division theorem2024/01/29English
On the Bogomolov–Gieseker inequality for tame Deligne–Mumford surfaces2024/01/19English
Tilting theory for periodic triangulated categories2023/06/29English
A-foliations of codimension two on compact simply-connected manifolds2023/07/20English
$$W^{1,p}$$ estimates for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with partially BMO coefficients in Reifenberg domains2023/06/14English
A note on periods of Calabi–Yau fractional complete intersections2023/07/13English